Arc 6: Innocent 'Evil' Hubby (186)

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Hong Cha woke up when she heard countless footsteps. She was stunned to find herself caged in a tent. Even more troubling, He Xia and Li Sinan are talking nearby her. Her ears rang sharply before her sense stabilized. She almost collapsed from the pain.

"Eh? Sister Cha? How come you ended up here?" Bai Xiao arrived and was shocked to see her.

"Fairy Bai, what is the meaning of this?" She coldly asked. Could it be...Bai Xiao is ready to betray Yin Yehai? Even she was forsaken.

"Oh. Easy, you got caught." Bai Xiao stated the obvious as He Xia stood next to her.

"Your Highness, I found this in her space ring." He Xia took out an angry red demonic mask that Hong Cha recognized. Li Sinan took it before giving her a glance. "She's a spy sent by the Red Court."

"Let me interrogate her." Li Sinan's face was unreadable. He Xia revealed a provocative grin to Hong Cha and took Bai Xiao away. Li Sinan pulled a chair and sat across the cage. "You're a good liar, even this prince was fooled."

"Why are you hanging around here?" She carefully asked without mentioning the Red Court's existence. It is possible they are just bluffing regarding its probability to be real.

"Don't use mind games to me, half breed." Li Sinan stood up and saw through her intention to hide information. "We already know Red Court still exists. After all, we are done taking over the other ones. Only the Red Court was left."

"What?!" Hong Cha's pupils dilated. Bai Xiao have nothing to do with their advancements. Then, this means...

Li Sinan furrowed his brows when her lips hooked up. "You knew where the Red Court lies then. But can I ask one thing and you answer honestly?"

"Likely, yes." He nodded a bit.

"Are you after Bai Xiao?"

"Pardon?" Li Sinan chuckled. Seeing her face was serious, he assumed he didn't hear wrong. "She is He Xia's woman. Why will I meddle with her? And you, you showed me how promiscuous she is."

"Huh?" Hong Cha blinked in confusion. Li Sinan smiled gently and tossed the red mask to her.

"I was wondering one night why He Xia keeps disappearing so I followed him. I got lost and I saw you. Every night He Xia disappears, you always lead me to where he and his woman fools around." His eyes formed to crescent and the gentle him had returned. In truth, he have been secretly spying on Hong Cha every night. Not that he is some perverted stalker, he was curious of her the night he saw her laughing in secret while Bai Xiao and He Xia did those. And Li Sinan, he have the urge to know Hong Cha. Their first encounter wasn't right since he doubts she is someone with good intentions and he was unable to infer her name.

"Are you fancying your enemy?" She raised a brow at his remark but Li Sinan shook his head.

"I felt like we are old acquaintances but I can't figure out. This feeling, something I do not understand but I do have the ambition to know you more."

Hong Cha reached towards her sleeve pocket and took a satchel she made in the system which she had stocked ever since her first transmigration in fiction worlds. It still have the caramel candies she had wanted to give to Bai Fuxi. When she was still recovering from her heartbreak, she filled satchels with caramel candies she made in Earth 1 and hoped to see Bai Fuxi again. However, Gu Jiaoyue and her psychiatrist said she should not.

"Does this remind you of something?" Hong Cha carefully placed the camellia embroidered satchel outside the cage. Li Sinan squatted down and took it.

A familiar feeling roused in his heart. He opened the satchel and was stunned caramels are inside, just like he has strongly guessed.

"Not that I know you but I wanted to let you know." Li Sinan closed the satchel and tied it to his waistband. "I have an admirer back in the empire. She first took a liking to my elder brother but she was rejected. I comforted her out of pity then she started developing a liking to me. Afterwards, I received a gift from her, every week, I think. She made a satchel and embroidered snowflakes on it with my name. She will fill it too with these common sweets."

"Oh." Is he opening up to her? But she finds it interesting. "Did you two end up together?"

Li Sinan's lips curved but his gentle gaze have a hint of sadness. He shook his head in return.

"She saved me from my own brother's scheme and it costs her life. At the end, she wished I could have at least appreciated her. And that, she is asking for my forgiveness in troubling me." His smile faded and his eyes went hooded. Li Sinan breathed out. "I don't know what did my past life has to dow with this that I reaped such unfortunate karma with her. I didn't place any importance to her efforts of pursuing me and when she died, I felt the same desolate emotion she begrudged."

"What's her name...?" She vaguely asked. Hong Cha is curious, did Lin Siji find his true love? But which girl was it?

"Zhao Xue."

Hong Cha's lashes fanned. So, Zhao Xue reaped her karma. Hong Cha fell silent. After death they say, a soul reincarnates and receive the karma of their past lives. It seems Zhao Xue had paid for the price of ignoring Lin Siji and loving another man. The situation reversed and if not for Hong Cha's existence as a variable, Li Sinan would have fallen to Bai Xiao.

"Your Highness!" All of the sudden, a soldier rushed in with a pale complexion. Li Sinan frowned, and so did Hong Cha. "Your Highness, the demons of the Red Court..."

"Speak clearly." Li Sinan's brows crossed. He doesn't have a good feeling about this.

"An army of demons are heading to us! Their Demon Lord, it's thousand times stronger than the once we faced!"

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