Arc 4: Icy Cold Demon Ye (99)

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Hong Cha finished pounding the herbs for his wounds. She took a cotton and stuck it to a small stick before heading to another table where she placed Mo Ye. The snake raised its head to see her sitting in front of the desk. It can only watch her dab the medicine gently. Mo Ye hissed and the stick became red petals. Hong Cha was stunned that she quickly let it go. Her brow raised to recognize the petals were red camellias. She grinned mischievously and took another stick with a cotton. Mo Ye's raised gales lowered probably from fear.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." Hong Cha started dabbing it slower than before. In no time, the wounds miraculously healed. She took a teacup filled with water and a small plate with meat. Mo Ye glanced at her. "What? You want me to hunt a mice?"

After saying that, Mo Ye quickly hid into the depths of the soft fabric surrounding him. Hong Cha got confused. Did the medicine affect his brain circuit? She let him do as he wants and went off to dinner for herself.

At midnight, when the moon rinsed through the window, the white snake slithered out. Hong Cha turned over and snored. She came to face the open window. A light gust of wind caressed her cheek. Hong Cha opened her eyes to see red petals scattering outside. She could care less and continued to sleep.

On the next day, she scratched the back of her head to see the little plate for Mo Ye was emptied but small grassy leaves and soils covered a part of the plate. What happened?

"Did you throw it out?" she placed her hands on her waist, keeping her eyes narrowed on the snake. It lowered its head as if shy to admit his crime. Hong Cha sat down. "Why don't you tell me what do snakes like you eat?"

There was only silence. Mo Ye began a staring competition with her. Hong Cha blinked first and gave up. Had she gone crazy talking to a snake? She nibbled on her lower lip and an idea came to her head.

"Stay here until you recover then thank me on my own condition. Now, what should I call you? Ah, Xiao Bai! Because you're small and you're white." she will not keep her sight out of him. What if Jie Zhang suddenly appear and she is not there to save him?

During the day, Hong Cha will tend the medicines she is drying outside. When dusk pave its way, she will try to communicate with Mo Ye. Of course, the snake can only look at her without any reply to her tattles. On the fifth day, Hong Cha headed to the fairy forest again for camellia flowers. When she is about to close the door, Mo Ye slid out before she could shut it. This stunned her. From what she knows, he'd rather stay on her bed than go anywhere around the house, much less go outside.

"Ah, you want to walk with me?" Hong Cha cant believe this is the demon System Wu said, just a mere small snake. She went to the forest with him though. Hong Cha stood up to reach for a peach but she is too short to take it. In the fairy world, time is slower and countless fruits can bear without the need of a season. She became unhappy.

Mo Ye noticed this. The snake slithered closer to her when he uncontrollably became a dragon. He quickly tried to control himself and returned to his human form. Only that he ended up quite close to Hong Cha. She noticed the shadow casting over her. Hong Cha turned behind and her mouth opened in awe. Ai, this is the first time she had a good look at him. He looks exactly like Ying Wenxiang but his hair was in the color of silver. In addition, Mo Ye is expressionless. There is also a dark mark, like a tattoo from his cheek to his right eye's edge.

"Xiao Bai?" she asked in confusion. Mo Ye blinked. He looked at himself before looking back to her as if puzzled too.

"Xiao Bai...?" he confusedly ask, his voice quite magnetic and charming. Hong Cha cursed in her head. Really, a demon. He sounded like he can seduce her with a hook of his finger! "Oh, right. You named me Xiao Bai. But why?"

"Eh?" Hong Cha drew out a question mark. He cant remember? Is a snake's memory that dull? She stopped complaining and faced him. Wow, he's quite tall.

"Master, what's the matter?" Mo Ye leaned down so close their lips almost touched. Fortunately, Hong Cha stepped back.

"M-Master? System Wu, he cant remember anything about himself?"

[Yes, Host. Apparently, the male god is a demon. He was locked in the Eighteenth Hell for thousands of years that he started getting weak. The male god escaped and his memories were shattered for some reason. It was because he cant remember himself that Jie Zhang tricked the male god and used him to harm this world. As I see it, it would be better if Host helps him recover his memories.]

"How?" Hong Cha asked and evaded Mo Ye's gaze. He shifted his sight to the peach. Mo Ye easily grabbed it and gave it to her.

[Hm... Perhaps if Host could remind him of the woman he loves. There is a goddess that shared an intimate memento with the male god. She fell in love with him but she betrayed the male god so she can save her fiance who is her benefactor's only child. This betrayal was very difficult for the male god to forget. If Host could repeat the history, then the male god will recover. Or, try the harder way and find the rarest elixirs to cure him.]

"Master, is this not what you want?" Mo Ye suddenly asked. Hong Cha broke from her dazed state and took the peach.

"Many thanks." she cant stop smiling forcefully. What again?!

"Is Master angry or...happy?" he confusedly asked. Hong Cha tried her best to smile. Mo Ye remembered something. He bravely touched the corner of her lips and raised it to a smile. "There. That is a happy smile. Though I do not understand what can make one happy, someone had told me smiling is a proof of it."

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