Chapter IV: Dinner Party

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Down the tunnel they went, it was quiet for hours. They didn't stop to take breaks, they didn't stop to talk, they didn't even talk at all. The influence that this mountain held over the company was a strong and dark one, but once they were out of the mountain path they would be fine, right? But one does not simply choose the wrong or right path in the mountain, there are but two fates upon entering Mountain Veer, a fiery death or a fake one. Living death. It's told that in this mountain there exists a cult, led by an ex-hunter -- once a protector of the people but now exiled. Atlas has exiled many hunters before him, but his case was different. 

Avery was breathing heavily now, the thought of choosing the wrong path that would lead them to such a fate dreaded him greatly, but of course he pushed on, knowing that he would somehow find a way out of it. Time passed by again, hours and hours it seemed and there were now small conversations. Although since they were in a tunnel they kept their tone down, no one wanted to know what kind of trouble it would be to attract Grimm in such a small and narrow tunnel, they would practically be killed. None of them wanted that so the conversations always died out so easily, but they pressed on. The tunnel was growing less narrow and the air became cleaner, they were nearing the exit of the tunnel.

As the tunnel's dark atmosphere began to transition slowly, Avery began to think that this was indeed a bad idea, he should've seen that there would be danger at either end and would have just used his magic to levitate Rin and Sovalis over the broken path and gone through the tunnel himself, he would've been willing to do such a thing had it not been for his old mind. Avery wasn't always noble and confident like he is now, as many know it takes time to craft and shape such a skilled warrior. "Avery the Wandering" they called him, he was a no-mad until he was taken in at Beacon by Professor Ozpin some time ago. But that didn't matter now since he'd ran away again. He began to think again, some of the same thoughts crossing his mind but new ones replacing the forgotten, old ones. He worried for Sovalis and Rin. 

He could feel it now, the tunnel finally coming to an end, or was it just an illusion? Were they finally through? Or had the dark influence finally gotten to him? Was he hallucinating and believing that he was finally free? Avery was beginning to lose hope, but he had to press on, he had to remain strong for the weak that followed and believed him. He thought about it again, it was a mistake. There was no doubting it now, they had taken the path to not the Dragon's nest, but that of a living death. Avery wasn't prepared, nor would Rin or Sovalis ever be, he had to fight whatever awaited them at the end of the tunnel. He had to live. They all had to, this was a company not to be reckoned with! This was no ordinary battle mage or wizard, this was Avery the Wandering White! Never has he given up and he will not now, this will not be the end of their journey, it's only just begun. 

Another hour or two passed before they felt the air get cold again in the tunnel. Avery was ready, his mind was set on one thing: To fight to live. He pressed on, knowing what kind of path he had taken, if they'd taken the path to the Dragon's nest there would be no cold air, there would be but a yellow light coming from the treasures it hoards and hot air indicating its deadly fiery presence. They were close now, it would be but only mere minutes before they reached the end. Were they ready to fight? Did the influence get to them to? Avery stepped on a small puddle. They were close. It was but only a minute away until they reached the end of the tunnel, close, close, close. 

They were there. At first when they exited the tunnel it was a bright, white light, AVery didn't blink. They were outside again, on the other side of the mountain path. Suddenly Avery dropped his staff, but as it fell towards the edge it froze. It was like there was some invisible floor preventing it from continuing to fall all the way down to the river below. But it hit Avery as he picked up his staff and his eyes widened. They weren't outside. Avery turned around as fast as he could and yelled to Sovalis "DRAW OUT YOUR WEAPON! PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" Rin did the same, drawing out her weapon, a Bat with a Gun barrel on the top and Sovalis with his mace. The room began to flicker, it wasn't really the outside, it was just an illusion room. The fake scenery went away and it was just all white tiles, nothing more. A door opened and two guards stepped out and stood at both sides of the door...and out came him. A man with purple hair, as tall as both Sovalis and Avery, stood about 4ft away from them. He had purple hair that curled over the right side of his face and an eye-patch over his right eye. His remaining eye was blood red. He held a glass of Wine and wore a cloak both purple complimented by stripes of red near the edges. His right had was behind his back, Avery got ready.

"I welcome you to Mountain Veer. Have a seat." The purple-haired man pulled out what seemed to be his right hand, but soon enough his weapon came into view as it folded and transformed around his hand, it looked like a canon with bright Purple highlights -- Poison Dust. "Deflect the shots!" Avery deflected the first few shots as they were shot without warning, Avery advanced to the man within mere seconds. But a guard tripped him, and the purple haired man shot Avery in the chest as he was downed. "NO!" Sovalis yelled as he advanced towards the Man as well, he deflected every shot with ease, he got closer and closer. Rin was right beside him as well, helping him with the deflecting, until she decided to fire a shot from her weapon and try to wound the man. The man deflected it and one of the guards were incapitated, the other one stood ready about to fire. Rin took out the remaining guard before he could harm Sovalis. Sovalis came close to the man, but was shot and knocked out by the Poison Dust before he could make an actual move. 

Rin was left alone, quivering in fear. What was different about him? "I am Shoque Le Dain, I am pleased to meet you, my lady." He slowly walked forward and kissed her on the cheek. "W-What are you doing? What did you do to my friends?!" "I did nothing of any sort m'lady, I merely put them to sleep temporarily -- and until they wake up I guess we'll get you set up." "F-For what..?" Rin spoke softly, "For dinner, of course!" Shoque's smile grew bigger as he said this, "Now m'lady, would you like to join me for dinner? You are indeed, quite the peculiar and beautiful specimen if I do say so myself. Oh my! I even said all of that in the wrong order, it must've been because I was so enchanted by" Shoque stared downward, examining her figure. Rin said nothing, she was pale. He truly was intimidating, despite how handsome he looked. "Now, come along m'lady, it's time for dinner." Shoque grabbed her by the hand and called for some guards to take care of Avery and Sovalis.

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