Chapter VII: The Hive

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Shoque lept forward, off the platform from where he stood and drew his sword as he fell toward Sovalis, "LIEUTENANT!" the shape of the blade itself was intimidating, it also looked as if it could cut through any kind of material, in other words, it was probably sharp. "Come here!" Sovalis' mace met the blade of Shoque's sword, a small cut was left in the mace's head.

"Hah! You chose good material for your weapon. Typical Atlas Students, you always misuse what you are given. MY ca-" Sovalis' fist now met Shoque's face, his ego was far too high. "You gonna talk? Or fight?" Sovalis gripped the mace with both hands, he began to spin it, making an effort to strike Shoque and gain an opening, Shoque slowly moved backward as he blocked the strikes from Sovalis' mace, he had an idea. Sovalis swung again, Shoque rolled to the right and glanced over his shoulder "'s time to wake up, my creation." Shoque back flipped towards yet another tube, this one was labeled "PROJECT: GRIMLOCK."

"Go ahead, take a swing, 'Atlas Scum'." Shoque reminded Sovalis that he was once apart of Atlas as well. Enraged, Sovalis kept forward, holding the mace over his head ready to strike. Before he could, Shoque rolled out of the way, and Sovalis struck the tube. "GAH!" Sovalis used his Aura to shield himself from the glass shards. "I've grown bored. Sovalis, meet my greatest creation, Grimlock. I've combined the basic elements of both Dust and Grimm DNA, therefore rendering him to be able to shift forms. It took quite a lot of testing." "Change forms?"

"Grimlock's strength is unbeatable, you're nothing but a water flea. I've focused most of his strength to the total destruction of his enemy, about 98.7% of it-" "Cut the chit chat, what are you getting at?" "It's highly obvious." The Tube's interior gave off a bright green light, and the figure inside broke free of his binds. "Free...Nothing...feels...right. Hard to thhhhink!" "I'm amazed he can talk."

"Dammit!" Sovalis rushed towards Shoque and whacked him aside with his mace, Shoque flew into a console and fell unconscious. "What that noise?" Shoque's "grim" experiment turned towards Sovalis. "I, am Sovalis. Leader of...of uh..." "You leader? I leader too. Team captured by...Shh...SHOQUE!" "What did he do to you? No, I'll ask that later. Where is your team?" "Grr...Questions..." "Answer me." "N...Nother room!" "Show me. Avery, we're leaving Shoque here. Freeze him." "A-As you wish, Master Dao."

They proceeded down another hall, Grimlock tore the doors down with his bare hands. "Left. Room was purple, uglier purple than that guy." "A containment room?" "No...Exp...Experiments!" "An experimentation room..." "How long have you been here? Do you remember your name?" "Don't know both." "I see, Shoque really damaged you. Avery, is there a way to reverse the damage or changes Shoque has done Grimlock?" "Me Grimlock? That cool name." "It was what Shoque named you." "Shoque...daddy?" "What? No! Shoque was the one who experimented on you!" "Oh, hate that guy."

"There is a way to reverse the damage, Master Dao, however Grimlock's life would be forfeit, I suggest we don't do it." "We can research on that later. How are you Rin?" "I'm fine, thank you for asking! I got free food, but it wasn't good. I'd rather be here with you guys rather than get cheap fridge-food." "You're not hurt?" "I was petrified if that counts! But yeah, I feel much more safer here with you two- er...three." "Wrong. My team make seven! Or ten? I think maybe it make two." "How many people are on your Team Grimlock?" "Four...can't do math." "Your first answer was correct." "CURSE MATH!" Grimlock punched the wall. "OOOH! Scary! But strong! I guess that's a good trait." "You left out tempermental." "Me also good leader." "Our destination approaches."

Up ahead, there was a giant, purple door, labeled "HIVE". "This is room." "Grimlok, wait!" Before Sovalis could catch up, Grimlock had already torn down the doors and walked in. "Dammit!" "Hey uh, guys? I meant to ask, but what happened to those guards that were with Shoque?" "...Darn. They probably thawed out Shoque." "Quite the shame Master Dao, but I guess our new friend can take him out! Ha ha!" Sovalis approached the door, Grimlock's scream could be heard from within. "Dammit! You two stay here! Protect Kreuden!" "Sovalis!" Sovalis rushed in, the sight that greeted him was almost artistic, but terrifying.

Grimlock was brawling what appeared to be a giant Grimm Spider, armored just as well as Grimlock. Finally, Grimlock tore the spider's head off. "RRRRRAGH!" "Grimlock! This isn't the room! We have to go!" Suddenly the door shut behind Sovalis, and a familiar voice came on the speakers around the room. "Welcome, Grimlock. Your attempt to rescue your team was...predictable." "Shoque...not dad..." Sovalis stood beside Grimlock, at the center of the room, trying to see if Shoque was somewhere nearby. The Spider's corpse had evaporated, leaving nothing but blood behind. "This isn't good..." "Ah! Sovalis! Im glad you came by to visit."

"Welcome to the hive."

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