Chapter IV: Old Friends

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While the second path of the Mountain promised a living death, there were always rumors of it, which is why Avery was able to react quickly -- even though he believed none of them. His name is Shoque. Once part of the Atlas Military, he served the Military as a First Lieutenant. But shortly after he was promoted, he was accused of dissecting 10 recruits. He was then banished from the Kingdom. However, his loyal "followers" couldn't stand to see him go so they went with him, the council pardoned them and passed all of them off as "Deceased". But that wasn't all, Shoque had been accused of many other crimes -- such as the destruction of Verelix Academy and the death of Council Member Grode. After he was exiled, he led his followers to the mountain where they would establish their base of operations, any unlucky tresspassers would either "accidentally" enter his lab or enter the Dragon's lair where they would be burned alive.

But now, Shoque led petrified Rin to a small, rectangular table with a lit candle. It was Purple in color, but when it melted it seemed to turn into a very dark red. Shoque showed her to her seat, shortly after he sat next to her. Rin didn't like this one bit. She wanted to be with them, with him.


Sovalis came to, there was the smell of smoke in the air. He rushed to the front of the cell and tried to ram his way through, he made a small dent in the metal frame, no damage on the glass however. "Dammit!" Sovalis slamming himself against the glass until he became tired and heard laughter behind him. "Master Dao, you seem distressed." Avery was smoking. "Professor! We have to get out! Rin is in danger and!" "He has your friend. The one you're looking for." "...Kreuden?" "Correct, Master Dao. So please, stay calm. I have a plan to get us out, but first, let me finish smoking." Sovalis fell silent. It took quite a while for Avery to finish smoking, and by the time he did the entire cell was filled with Smoke, they both began to choke. "A-AVERY! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU D-" Sovalis couldn't say much as the smoke began to choke him. Guards came in and opened their cell, Avery lept forward and knocked out both of them. The smoke began to clear out. "Grab my hand. We're going to get our weapons." Sovalis coughed "Some plan..." 

They rushed down the corridor, on both sides there were cells labeled with numbers. They reached the end of the corridor and entered a room labeled "Security Room". They entered the room, and inside it there were racks filled with Weapons and Armor -- all stolen from Atlas. The Security guard was asleep. "Come now...and quietly. We're going to find where they put our Weapons." "This truly is cliche...why don't we just lock him out of the room?" "Because other guards will come running! Once he is awake!" Sovalis sighed. It took quite a while for Avery and Sovalis to find their weapons, they were hidden in a rectangular crate. They nearly woke up the guard six times, of course he never really woke up and they exited the room successfully without making a sound. Of course, once they got out they were ambushed by several guards which had found out about their escape. Avery took out most of them with shots of light which petrified them. Sovalis whacked the rest of the guards into the cells. "That was...easy. But do you think that Purple freak knows that we've escaped?" "I highly doubt't." "Let's roll." Sovalis and Avery traversed the entire facility and took out any guards that noticed them. 

While they took them out quietly, more still came running to try to finish them off. Of course they failed. "Professor, this is taking too long. I suggest we simply rush through them and thwart them out of our way!" "I don't think so." "What we're doing now is just as risky as doing it the faster and easier way! We won't be able to reach them in time! Rin...Kreuden...that creep will do something to them if we continue at this pace!" "I see..." "Besides...if we go at a much faster pace, we'll be able to reach them in time -- and if he tries something, we'll be there to stop it." "Very well Master Dao, you've made'er point very clear. I will form a distraction on the next wave -- and possibly the rest -- while you take care of'em. Smash!" "I will. Anything to save my friends." "Oh? So you now consider Miss Orenkon your friend?" "Wha? W-Well...I suppose so." 

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