Chapter VIII: True Colors

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"Your timing couldn't have been more perfect, Sovalis. I was planning to rid you both anyways." Sovalis unsheathed his mace, the sounds of metal shifting echoed throught the room, "You would destroy your own creation?" "Destroy? No, your thinking is incorrect, Grimlock here, can not be destroyed. He can only be angered." "Get to the point Shoque!" suddenly, the ground began to shake, Sovalis lost his balance but was helped up by Grimlock, who didn't seem to be affected by the quake at all. More Insect-like Grimm burst out, they surrounded Grimlock and Sovalis. "The Inspector, Hangeki Kuro has volunteered to aid Grimlock's progress and test his new features. I will monitor your destruction, and progress with great interest." A pillar rose from behind the largest of the Grimm, a small door in the ceiling opened, and a man wearing a black trench coat, which went all the way down to his ankles, jumped onto the Pillar. Sovalis could see him much more clearly, the man wore a orange visor accompanied with a yellow antenna.

"I remember you - Grimlock! Do you remember me? me? me?" Hangeki cackled, and the Grimm began to swarm them. Sovalis impaled one with the larger head of his mace, and impaled another with the remaining, he swung their corpses around, hitting the other insect-like Grimm. Grimlock on the other hand, took on the largest of the swarm, the two were charging at each other and forth, suddenly, when the spider-Grimm loses balance, Grimlock lifts it up, jumps into the air and smashes its head onto the ground, the corpse of the Grimm evaporated, leaving nothing but blood. "Grimlock, do you not have a weapon?!" "Rrrgh! Shut it! I do!"

Grimlock apparrently forgot he had a weapon, it was a greatsword that specialized in fire-oriented attacks. He took it out, unsheathed it from his back and it took its full form. It was 11m in height, but Grimlock wielded it with ease. Grimlock swung as hard as he could in all directions, grunting, and on his last swing, Grimlock's sword let out a giant burst of flame, it didn't affect him or Sovalis due to their Aura, it burned the swarm alive. "No need for evaporation. Heh." "Indeed, Grimlock. Now, how do we-" Hangeki interrupted them. "Not so fasst! We haven't gotten to the best part!" the ground shook again, this time a Death Stalker popped out of the ground and whacked Sovalis with its left claw. Grimlock prepared to fight it.

"You can't possibly beat THIS on your own Grimlock! You and your team were easily destroyed by just a swarm! It'll tear you apart! Then it will go for your friend..." Grimlock became infuriated, black smoke began to emitt from Grimlock, he dropped his weapon and closed his fists tightly, then he began to lose control. "Harrrgh...RRRRR...RAAAAAAAARGH!" Grimlock stood for a moment, in the same pose, whent he DeathStalker decided to strike with its tail, Grimlock transformed. What Sovalis saw when he came to was simply awesome, Grimlock simply "changed shape" and unleashed hell on the DeathStalker.

Grimlock was a giant, heavily armored, Grimm Sauropod (otherwise known as a Grimm Dinosaur), which Sovalis recognised as the Grimm Swordus, but Grimlock's form was much more unique. Hangeki was surprised. "WHAT? I thought Shoque said it was impossible for him to transform?! Grrr! Finish him!" Grimlock used his jaws to tear through the DeathStalker's neck armor, he ripped off its head, blood and guts spilled everywhere. Soon after, more Grimm emerged from the hole the DeathStalker had left. Grimlock's movement pattern was the same throughout, he stomped, whacked, and chomped until all of them were dead. Apparrently, the Grimm all focused on Grimlock, and not Sovalis.

"Hah! Time for me to take my leave!" Hangeki jumped down form his pillar and to a door on the other side of the room. Before he could open it, it was knocked down and he became trapped. 3 figures stepped in. "Excuse me." Grimlock reverted back to his human form. "Luoxia? That you?" "Is that..? Hey! We heard some noises coming from this room, figured it was you." It was Grimlock's team, Sovalis got up and sheathed his weapon, and approached them. "Grimlock, is this your team?" "Yes..." "This Luoxia, that guy with two swords on back name is Sarl, that other guy with Axe name is Jako." "You remember their names but not yours?" "Actually, we don't remember his name either. For some reason Shoque wanted it removed from our memories. Can't remember why." "I see. We can solve this later, I am Sovalis." Luoxia came forward and shook Sovalis' hand. "Pleased to meet ya! Now, you got a plan or something?" "We need to get out of here." "Hey! That's a start." "My friends are on the other side of that door." Sovalis pointed across the room tot he door where he and Grimlock entered. "Got any keys?" Luoxia asked, "Right here!" Grimlock said loudly. "Grimlock will open it. Let's roll!"

Grimlock and his team approached the door, Sovalis followed in right after. "So uh...where are the keys fearless leader?" Sarl asked. "Quiet!" Grimlock tore down the doors. "Whoa!" Jako exclaimed, "Don't remember you being THAT strong, what'd Shoque do to us..?" Luoxia asked, "You no remember?" "Nope." "Cut us open. Experiment-" "Uh okay! No need to hear ANYTHING about guts or whatever!" Sarl cut off Grimlock, Grimlock gave him a cold look. "Sovalis!" Rin rushed over and hugged Sovalis. "Awww! He's taken? Geez! I thought we were rollin' single squad here, Ey?!" Luoxia exclaimed. "Hey, shut it, he's having his moment." Jako responded coldly "Awww come on guys, no need to hate on each other when there's love-" "CAN IT!" Jako and Luoxia shut Sarl up. "Stop bickering." Grimlock silenced his team.

"I...I was so worried!" "I am aware, and I apologize for leaving so suddenly." "Hah! Typical Master Dao, adventuring on his own away from the pack. I see you've made some new friends?" "Yeah, Kreuden okay?" "Intact, Master Dao, not a single scratch." Rin let go of Sovalis. "Now then, let's get out of here. Do you four remember anything about an exit? Any kind at all?" Jako came forward, "There's an exit on the third floor. According to the sign behind that Wizard guy there, we're on floor 4. We gotta go down." "What if the third floor is above us?" 'What difference does it make?!" "QUIET!" Grimlock, Luoxia, Jako and Sarl all began arguing among each other, Sovalis slammed his mace on the ground. "SILENCE!" Grimlock and Co. focused on Sovalis, motionless. "We have to get out of here, when we entered this structure, we were heading downward, I could feel it. The Third floor is above us!" "Hey! I was right!" Luoxia said, "Let's roll!"

"We follow you to end, Sovalis."

"We work as a team now, Grimlock, we watch each others backs, no matter what kind of grudge we may hold."

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