Chapter X: The Beginning

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"Grimlock! No!" Sovalis yelled, "I'd suggest listenin' to him boss! Transformin' here ain't good!" Luoxia, adding on to Sovalis' statement. "Kill...You!" Grimlock stood there, fists clutched, smoke emitting from his body, deciding who to listen to. "Come Grimlock, let your creator see your skills in action." "No! Don't listen to him!" Jako yelled, trying to grab Grimlock's attention. Seeing as it was uesless, while everyone was distracted, Sovalis hurled his mace at Shoque, and the mace gave off its usual explosive impact. "Argh!" The three Inspectors lay unconscious, Shoque was kneeling, covered in ashes, a small flame on his shoulder and blood on his side, clutching his wound. Grimlock approached the now-wounded Shoque. "No...Aura?" Shoque coughed, "Hah! You're late." Sovalis walked up beside Grimlock.

"That's why you got taken out so easily..." Sovalis said, in realization. "Precisely..." Shoque coughed again. "I had to...sacrifice my Aura. For you! Grimlock! You and your team were the perfect test subjects..! For my plan..." Shoque smirked. "Your plan is foiled. There is nothing you can do." Sovalis said as the rest of the group walked up, the ex-Atlas Guards ran away. "Grimlock, let's go. There's nothing he can do." Sovalis said. "Hah! You'd spare me after the things I've done?" "Killing you will get me nowhere. I came for one thing only." Sovalis walked away, Rin and Avery caught up with him. Grimlock, looking back at Shoque from Sovalis, "So...What're you gonna do wit'em boss? Keep it as a pet..?"  Luoxia asked, ''...No..." Grimlock slowly pulled out his sword, as it tapped the Ground, Sovalis turned around.

"...Wha- Grimlock, No!" "You pay for...mis-" Shoque smiled as Grimlock raised his sword to finish him off, Sovalis was running towards Grimlock, "...TAKES!" Grimlock smashed his sworrd violently onto Shoque, blood and guts flew everywhere, the sounds of them plopping onto the ground made Luoxia, Sarl and Jako back off. Shoque's disfigured corpse now lay there, bones poking out of his body, brains scattered on the floor, Sovalis stopped running. "Grimlock..." Sovalis said, "Too risky to keep alive. He was doing nothing else, he already dead." Grimlock said. Sovalis didn't object, he thought about what Grimlock said, Grimlock concluded his statement. "...He paid for mistakes...that good enough." Grimlock sheathed his sword and let out a heavy sigh. Luoxia put his hand on Grimlock's shoulder, Sovalis watched, Avery and Rin were horrified by what had been done. Kreuden lay in Avery's arms.

"Boss, good choice. I didn't have the guts to do it." Luoxia admitted, "Yeah you do, you just ain't strong enough! Ha ha!" Jako teased Luoxia, Sarl intervened "Hey, you're ruining the moment!" "Eh?! What moment?! He killed a guy and I just said that I didn't got da guts to do it! That's all!" Luoxia exclaimed. Sovalis sighed, accepting the reality of things. "Very well. Let us go. We are done here." "Oh yah! Grimlock, we forgot to tell'im our team name." Luoxia pointed out as they began walking again. "Oh...right." Grimlock said, Jako caught up with Grimlock, Sarl followed after, Sovalis walked in front of them, with his head turned, notifying that they had his attention. Rin and Avery waited until they could reach them to start walking. "We...are...Team Lightsing." Grimlock said. "Lightsing? That is indeed, quite an extraordinary name. Fitting for a bunch such as yourselves." Sovalis clearly admired the name, it was better than his team's name. "But nevertheless, your bond and strength as a team, speaks who you are." Luoxia walked up beside Sovalis and began talking with him. 

"And you're simply trying to reclaim yours, eh?" "My Team? No..." "Then what?" Luoxia asked, "I am trying to reclaim my family. "Strong words, reddy." Luoxia said as he patted him on the back. "We'll help. You rescued us." Grimlock proclaimed. "I appreciate the help, welcome to the party, Team Lightsing." Sovalis smiled for the first time in a long time. Rin and Avery were looking back at Sovalis, happy to see that the once miserable Team Leader has now made new friends. Avery began conversing with Rin, "It's amazing Mistress, how easily Master Dao can make new friends without even knowing it! Ha!" Avery said, "Well, yeah. There's a lot going on right now, I guess you could say he needed friends?" Rin said, uncertain in her tone, "I suppose that is one way to put it, but with a relationship, there are obstacles down the road. Obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve a successful relationship." Avery continued with a question, "...Are you looking for one, RIn?" "Huh?!" "A relationship? A girl such as yourself could use one, especially with your skills." Avery smirked, "P-Professor! Wha-" Rin was blushing, Team Lightsing could b heard laughing from behind them, "No! Nonsense! Not with me! Ha ha!" Avery was laughing now, he stopped after a few seconds. 

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