49 - Last Chapter

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"I could tell you to run, but I would chase after you so there is no point"

~ Jungkook ~

~ Jungkook ~

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Jimins POV

"Jungkook" I gasped turning to face him.

"You shouldn't have come back" Jungkook said staring at me.

My eyes caught a glimpse of fright in Jungkooks facial expression.

"Why not? We came to take your paintings because Taehyung so badly wanted them. Is my parents coming?" I asked him.

He shook his head hanging it low.

"They aren't coming. They know you are here though" Jungkook spoke coldly.

"You did see someone outside the museum Jimin. It wasn't a bush. You saw me but you didn't run away like I hoped you would" Jungkook said his voice cracking with some tension and guilt.

I froze on the spot.

"Why aren't you happy to see me? Did my parents mess with your brain?" I asked crossing my hands across my chest.

He looked up at me.

"You know Taehyung and I'd be so happy to take you back away with us" I stated.

"Away from my parents madness" I hummed.

"Jimin... How about I tell you what happened to me after I died" Jungkook scoffed.

I gulped as he pressed me against the wall beside his artwork.

"When I woke up, I was in a bed with wires hanging out of my head. I expected maybe to be found by your parents but not woken up again" Jungkook grunted through gritted teeth.

"Then they made me tell them everything I knew using some new machine they made. It was lucky that I didn't know where you both were heading" He stated gripping my wrists tighter between his hands as my knuckles scraped the wall.

I could feel his breath against my face.

"Then they proceeded to work on me, shoving me with needles, everything. All within a matter of a week of me not being with you both. I know this may sound recognizable to you but you shouldn't have fucking came back" Jungkook stated taking a step back from me.

"After your parents proceeded to take control of my body. The only thing they don't have control of is me speaking" He huffed.

"I could tell you to run, but I would chase after you so there is no point" Jungkook growled in annoyance.

I sighed.

My worst nightmare is coming true...

"What are you going to do to us?" I gulped.

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