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"Please we both know I'm the dominant one"

~ Taehyung ~

~ Taehyung ~

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One month later...

Jimins POV

"Good morning" I heard Taehyung hum as he kissed my cheek softly once I opened my eyes.

"Why in such a good mood?" I wondered rubbing my tired brown eyes.

"Because it's your birthday dumbie" Taehyung yelped rubbing my messy black bed hair.

"It is!?" I gasped sitting up in bed to look at Taehyung in his old fashioned clothes that makes his waist look so attractive.

He wore a white shirt with brown long pants.

"Yes, it's the 13th of October" Taehyung said cuddling into me

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"Yes, it's the 13th of October" Taehyung said cuddling into me.

"Shit I'm 21... Fuck I'm getting old" I whined cuddling back into Taehyung.

"21 is still young Jiminie, plus I am not that much younger then you" Taehyung replied back.

"True" I answered looking at Taehyungs attractive face before pecking his lips.

"Shall we go do our jobs real quick so that we can just relax and have some fun for the rest of the day?" Taehyung asked me and I nodded getting out of bed in boxers.

"What do we have to do today again?" I asked rubbing my tired eyes once more.

"The same work we do everyday Jiminie, we live on a farm so everyday we need to feed the animals and check the fences are up" Taehyung said pulling on some brown boots.

I nodded yawning.

We were so lucky to get the farm because someone was desperately trying to sell it, therefore we jumped at the low price and were happy to take the animals because it gave us a chance to have eggs for breakfast but also to be able to sell them, and also sell the animals for produce; we would never kill an animal ourselves.

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