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"I missed you"

~ Jungkook ~

~ Jungkook ~

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Taehyungs POV

"That you're in love with me"

I got lost enjoying Jungkooks tight embrace until words left Mrs Parks mouth.

"Jimin?" She gasped making me pull back from Jungkook.

I turned around seeing his parents looking at him.

"You need to fucking stop making pathetic machines to make people be friends with me. I don't mean go steal someone from the city but I just don't need some make pretend friends" Jimin stated crossing his hands over his chest.

"Also stop making dodgey serums because I fucken know what you did to Taehyung" Jimin spat.

"What did they do to you?" Jungkook whispered to me.

"Basically they have given me a serum so that if I'm hurt my wound starts to heal so I can only die basically naturally or like super unnaturally" I stated.

"Oh and Jimin was given one so he can turn people to stone unintentionally if he likes you therefore I'm partially dying" I informed Jungkook who's eyes widened.

"Why are we in mad people's house?" Jungkook whispered to me and I chuckled.

"We both signed our bodies up to science" I stated.

"Look Jimin it had to be done darling, don't get mad over it. We just want to entertain you" Mrs Park stated.

"Yeah no, I fucking had to find out from Taehyung even the reason why you made me be able to turn people to stone. You fricken have ruined my life and hid away from me since I was 14 without the fucken truth" Jimin spat with disgust.

"Stop making your fucking machines or when I run away I will expose you all" Jimin huffed walking out of the room.

I grabbed Jungkooks wrist and pulled him out even though I heard Mr and Mrs Park yelling at us because they wanted to do tests on Jungkook.

"Jimin" I called pulling Jungkook with me.

Jimin turned around.

"Go pack a bag" I said and his eyes widened.

"You want to gap it tonight?" Jimin gasped and I nodded.

"We need to get out of here" I stated and he nodded.

"Jungkook and I will come get you around 10pm" I said rubbing his orange hair sweetly and he nodded.

"You are very handsome by the way" Jimin said smiling at Jungkook before walking away.

"How could a person be so cute but so evil to unintentionally turn people to stone" Jungkook gasped looking at me.

I laughed as I pulled Jungkook inside of my bedroom.

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