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"I just want to be normal again"

~ Jimin ~

~ Jimin ~

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Taehyung's POV

~ Flashback ~

"Kim Taehyung! Taehyung!" I heard a women shout from behind me.

A camera flashed in my face as I turned to the women while walking beside a beautiful stone building.

Damn I doubt I was smiling in that picture...

"How does it feel to have won the biggest art competition in South Korea which provides you with a spot in South Korea's finest art academy for free?" The women said putting a big microphone to my lips.

"It's a privilege. I wouldn't have been able to afford it otherwise so I am going to use this opportunity wisely" I said with a smile.

"And your winning artwork is going to be hung in this museum. How does this make you feel?" She asked now following me up the steps of the museum where I was about to see my art hanging on the wall.

"Honored" I answered before stepping inside the big concrete museum.

The room erupted in applause as I entered.

I bowed gratefully and was lead by a women in blue uniform over too a red velvet curtain which hung over my artwork.

"The artist, Kim Taehyung now is going to do the honors of revealing his masterpiece" Someone said into a scratchy old microphone which boomed around the concrete building.

I pulled a golden rope which made the curtain fall down revealing my majestic work.

The crowd gasped and started to cheer as tears built up in my eyes.

I bowed while the whole audience stared at my painting.

I bowed while the whole audience stared at my painting

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(Credit to original art owner)

~ End of Flashback ~

"Tae" Jimin said softly clicking his fingers in front of my damp eyes.

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