Dumbledore's Visit

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(A/N: The third chapter! Hope you're enjoying the book so far.)

(Annabelle P.O.V.)

Back at Wool's Orphanage, Esther went to get some snacks, and Andrew went to the office to get someone. That, someone, was visiting us.

"Say, Anna, who was that boy you were talking to?" Edward grinned. He was the joker/clown, who often made everyone laugh.

"Aww, did you get a boyfriend!" Jeffrey teased. He was always the teaser, who always found a way to embarrass people.

"Shut up, I just met him." I frowned with disgust. 

"Ooh, what's his name?" Danielle grinned. She's always curious, and it sometimes leads her to trouble. She also always sticks to the facts.

"Tell us now, or I'll punch you in the face!" Heidi said. She's impatient and yells way too much. But she means well, which is why she's my best friend. 

"Oh my god, just shut up! I told you, I just met him! Besides, we're all eleven!" I shouted.

Jeffrey laughed. "You're eleven."

"We are older." Danielle scoffed.

I groaned because I forgot that Danielle and Jeffrey were 12 and Edward and Heidi were 13. I hate being the youngest. (I know the feeling, people, I'm always the youngest amongst my friends. :(  ) Sparks flew from my hands, and I hid them behind my back. It was always odd, it only happened when I felt specific emotions.

Just then, Esther and Andrew entered with an old-looking man behind them. "Come meet us in your room, Anna. We've got an important matter to discuss." Andrew said. 

"As for the rest of you, I'll be watching you, so don't go off with trouble." Esther glared at us.

Andrew grabbed my hand and led us to my room. 

"Tell us everything!" Heidi called after me.

"Heidi!" Esther scolded.


"What's going on? I demanded. 

Mrs ColeWool was there, too. 

"Good evening, Annabelle. My name is Professor Dumbledore." the old man said.

"Professor? Are you a doctor or a teacher?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Clever, Anna. Thinking of both options. But, I am a teacher of a very special school. The Headmaster, as a matter of fact." 

"Um, hi?" I wasn't sure how to react.

"The school that I teach at is called Hogwarts. Well, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Dumbledore continued.

"And?" I asked.

"You have been accepted to the school." Before I could say anything, he handed me an envelope. I glanced at Andrew and Mrs ColeWool, but they merely nodded. I opened the letter. 

'Dear Miss. A. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.'

"Wait, does that mean I can do magic?" I asked.

The three grown-ups nodded. I didn't know what to feel. Happy about the news. Mad that Andrew and Mrs ColeWool would keep something this big from me. Sad that I'd have to leave. Shocked. Unsure. Determined. 

"We'll go to get your supplies tomorrow in Diagon Alley. I will come here again tomorrow." As Dumbledore got up to leave, I exclaimed, "Can my friends know?" Dumbledore shook his head. "Unfortunately not. They are, as we call them, Muggles. It's best that they don't know." he turned and left, Mrs ColeWool and Andrew following him.

(A/N: Um yeah, Dumbledore visited the orphanage and the next chapter will be about them going to Diagon Alley. Stay tuned, and don't forget to vote, comment, and share!)

Word Count: 550

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