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seungmin screamed as he kicked the knife away from him, his wide eyes staring at the blood splattered across him, coating his hands and face.

he watched the life leave sungho's eyes.

he hadn't meant to actually do it, he didn't know what was controlling him but chan had grabbed seungmin's hand and guided it down before he could even register it, making the knife pierce sungho's chest.

he let go immediately while chan laughed, grabbing the handle and twisting it.

seungmin watched blood pour out of the wound and sungho's struggles slow down, he watched the fear leave his face and the whole room go still.

he backed up against the wall, silent tears streaming down his face.

minho came over and pulled seungmin into his arms, putting the boy's face in his neck, running his fingers slowly through seungmin's hair.

"shh, such a good boy, you're so good baby, so perfect."

seungmin hid his face in minho's shoulder, shaking hard as he sobbed.

"you did him a favour, you saved him from pain, you're so good." chan whispered as he came to praise him too.

this wasn't right.

they weren't the same.

even their voices sounded different.

they were no longer thinking, feeling people, the last of their compassion was gone, they were off the rails, unwound into scraps of their own rationality. seungmin could hear it in their breaths that these weren't chan and minho anymore.

and he wasn't seungmin.

he was their mindless slave, pliable and obedient to their every word, unable to do anything but exactly what he was told and it was too late to do anything about it. he assisted a brutal murder, he committed murder.

it was time to say goodbye to seungmin.

chan lifted seungmin up in his arms and carried him to the stairs, taking him up.

minho smiled and walked over to sungho, pulling the knife out of his chest and watching the blood pour faster onto the wooden floor.

"should've stayed away." he whispered.

he held the knife and made his way towards the stairs, climbing them behind chan and seungmin.

chan took seungmin to minho's bed, laying him down with his plushie toys and his blanket, leaning down to brush the hair out of his face, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"you love us so much."

seungmin nodded, unable to stop his tears.

"you'll do anything for us, anything to be with us and close to us."

he nodded again.

"anything we need from you."


"you want us to take this pain away?"

seungmin closed his eyes as more tears fell.


"take away this guilt and anger, take us to a place we can be together forever, with nobody to come between us?"

"yes. hyung please."

"say what you feel."

"i love you."

"we love you too puppy."

chan pulled seungmin's head back by his hair, holding the boy still, his neck exposed.

with one fast, smooth movement, both men watched seungmin bleed, the dark red liquid pouring from the deep slash across his neck, they watched him open his mouth to gasp, his face contorting into sock, fear and pain, his wide eyes darting around as if searching for something.

chan kissed his forehead and then his lips as he slowly stopped struggling, his body going limp as the life left him, leaving only the host of a once innocent soul, a soul that loved felix and boba, the soul that liked dogs because they made him feel calm, the soul that always had plushie toys because they reminded him of when he was a carefree child, the boy that hd always loved the rain because the sound made him feel safe, the child that only ever wanted to be loved and taken care of, the soul that was slowly destroyed and taken away by pure evil. his hands released the grasp he had on his bear and it lay against his still chest.

minho leaned up and kissed his still lips before letting go of seungmin.

the two men faced each other and minho handed the knife to chan.

"goodbye hyung."

"we'll be with him soon."

as if he was unable to feel pain he tipped his head back. chan put his hand on minho's shoulder before forcing the blade into minho's chest, lowering him to the floor as he pulled it out and did it again, then again as minho struggled, immediately falling and fighting the urge to try to live, letting himself slowly leave to the same fate as seungmin.

chan watched, completely expressionless as minho stopped moving, his lifeless body limp on the floor. he then looked at the knife before taking it in both hands, allowing himself one last breath before giving in to the longing for peace and going to join them in paradise.

felix ignored the yells behind him.

he was at the house, the sick feeling in his stomach was too strong to ignore, something had happened and he wasn't going to ignore it.

he couldn't get the door open so he had thrown a brick at the window, shattering it and climbing in.

changbin watched in disbelief, running after him as he climbed into the house. by the time changbin climbed in too, felix was gone. he looked around quickly as he heard the dog barking manically from the garage where he was chained up. knowing the layout of the house, he heard footsteps upstairs and went to follow them before a loud scream.

he sprinted up the stairs as fast as he possibly could, following the scream to minho's bedroom.

when he got into the room, his heart sank.

he had never seen a body before, but he was now faced with three. two of his friends was disturbing enough but what changbin knew he would never get out of his head as the image of seungmin, covered in his own blood, hugging onto his toys as if his last seconds on earth were nothing but unbearable pain and torture. his glassy eyes and pale skin made changbin feel like he would never escape this scene. he covered his mouth and heaved, holding onto the door frame as his face flushed pale and a wave of nausea hit him.

felix collapsed to his knees at the edge of the bed, sobbing uncontrollably as he clutched seungmin's cold hand, holding it tightly against his cheek.

"i'm so sorry minnie... this is all my fault, i should've known, i should've helped you get out of here, please baby you can't leave me, please please, i love you."

changbin teared up as he edged towards the bed, getting close enough to take felix's arm, pulling him into his chest and hugging him tightly, letting felix break down as his heart shattered into a million pieces. the pain in felix's sobs was heartbreaking changbin couldn't describe it.

changbin swallowed and closed his eyes, guilt washing over him.

"i'm so sorry felix, i never meant for things to go this far."



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