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seungmin sighed as he looked at his bear, resting his chin on his knees. he had spent pretty much all day in his room.

"i didn't make a mistake. i defended them... i'm good." he whispered.

he kept thinking back to the hospital, how they literally kissed him. he thought back to the kisses, his heart fluttering as he remembered the feeling of their lips. something that was bugging him more than that was being told that felix left the hospital without saying goodbye after he heard the cover story.

"i want to see felix... i think he's mad at me too."

he jumped when he heard his name being called from the other side of the door.


he got up quickly, going to the door.



he tried to twist the handle, shaking it.

"yes! can i eat with you?" he asked eagerly.

"i don't know, i think you should stay in here."

"please hyung? i did everything you told me, i'm good, you said i was good."

he heard a lock click and tried to open the door again, getting frustrated when it wouldn't budge. he heard a laugh come from the other side of the door.

"please? please let me out."

seungmin opened the door when the lock came free and got a small smile as minho pointed to the stairs.

"go lay the table."

he nodded and immediately did as he was told, running for the stairs to go set up.

chan sighed as he continued cooking, his own thoughts circling around. now they had been caught and seungmin defended them, now that everyone knew that he was alive and even romantically involved with them, they were stuck with seungmin. he was extremely confused as to what they should do.

felix didn't know who it was that took him and if he found out that chan was involved he couldn't imagine what felix's reaction would be. felix didn't know of chan's involvement and seungmin didn't know that chan brought felix up to the room opposite him and had sex with him.

seungmin wasn't a problem, chan could manipulate him into believing some random excuse without a problem, it was convincing felix that his intentions were good that was the hard part. they had to he careful now, people knew seungmin was alive, they knew who he was with, they now knew where he was, if they deprived seungmin of freedom, a phone, a normal diet or any kind of outside contact, people would know and that was dangerous.

they knew seungmin was trapped, even if he wanted to leave he mentally and emotionally couldn't, they weren't worried about him getting away or exposing them, he loved them and needed them, it was losing the control and power over him that chan didn't like.

even if they controlled when and where he left the house, they couldn't control what he did unless they went with him and chan didn't like that.

he served his own and minho's food before a bowl of rice for seungmin, smirking at the way seungmin's smile faded. he resolved to talk to minho about what to do later on.

they sat down to eat and it was silent, nobody said anything while they took slow bites.

seungmin kept his eyes down, eating quickly and finishing his rice in minutes. he then sat quietly, playing with his sleeve.

he was still wearing minho's hoodie, refusing to take it off.

"jisung is bringing byeol back soon." chan mumbled to minho.

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