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about halfway through the movie, seungmin was staring at his chocolates.

he desperately wanted to try one, he wanted to taste it and enjoy the memories that came with it but he was reluctant because of chan and minho. he was scared he would do something wrong, the dreaded basement lingering in his mind.

chan noticed him looking at the bag and smiled, holding in his annoyance. he didn't want seungmin eating chocolate, he didn't want seungmin to have the treats that he wanted but he knew for a fact that depriving him of his treats in front of felix would look bad. he picked up the packet and gave it to seungmin.

"felix brought you treats baby, don't let them go to waste."

seungmin broke out in a big smile opening up the bag quickly and taking a chocolate, popping it in his mouth.

he melted with the chocolate on his tongue, closing his eyes as the sweetness exploded in his mouth, his mind going fuzzy as he savored the taste, he leaned against chan and hummed happily, enjoying every second. 

minho smiled fondly at him as he was being watched by felix and moved seungmin's hair behind his ear.

"can i have one?"

seungmin nodded immediately and gave minho a chocolate, smiling as he took it.

"and me?" chan piped up.

seungmin giggled and gave one to chan too, smiling more.

felix watched, unable to help but smile slightly as seungmin looked so relaxed.

"lixie want one?"

felix shook his head.

"no thank you, they're yours."

minho sighed as he paused the tv.

"felix has to go soon seungmin."

seungmin looked up with a pout, shaking his head.

"why? i want him to stay."

"we have to cook and eat and then the three of us need to clean up a little."

seungmin shook his head, he wasn't really thinking because of how sweet they had been to him, he for some reason felt safe enough to protest.

"i want him to stay!"

chan bit back his anger as seungmin argued back, keeping calm.

"seungmin, don't raise your voice." he spoke firmly, trying to hold himself back.

"please! let lixie stay!" he continued.

"it's okay seungmin, i'll leave, you should have dinner with them okay? i'll see you soon."

felix stood up, picking up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. minho got up to see him out, taking seungmin's hand with him as chan got up to follow. 

seungmin pouted as he watched felix leave, waving to him.

the second felix was out of sight and the door was closed, minho turned to look at seungmin, glaring hard.

"chan. this little brat didn't learn his lesson."

seungmin got nervous, tilting his head.


"we let you see felix, watch a movie of your choice with us, eat chocolate and keep the gifts felix gave you without our permission yet you still talk back to me when i say felix has to leave."

seungmin shook his head.

"i-i didn't mean to! i-"

he was cut of my minho covering his mouth, grabbing his arm.

"shut up darling, it will be so much easier if you co-operate for your punishment."

seungmin's blood ran cold, shaking his head as he looked up at minho, silently begging. he teared up, starting to cry.

"no tears my love," chan whispered, petting seungmin's hair "punishments are good! they make you better, now be a good boy and co-operate."

seungmin struggled hard, crying out as chan grabbed his hands, pulling them behind his back. he was hauled into chan's arms and carried towards the stairs of the basement, it was opened and he was taken down there into the darkness by chan.

"please, please i'm so sorry, don't leave me here, i'll do anything i'm so sorry! i love you hyung please!" he begged.

as he rambled, he was pulled to the door of the room, thrown inside hard enough to send him to the floor with a thud making him cry out in pain. he sobbed uncontrollably, looking up at them.

"hyung i-i'm begging you, please!"

chan sighed and leaned down, looking at seungmin, wiping away his tears.

"it's okay puppy, you know we have to do this, when will you learn to not take advantage of our kindness, why do you do this to yourself?"

seungmin shook his head fast, sobbing hard as he leaned into chan's hand before chan pulled his hand away, standing up and taking one last look at seungmin before walking out of the little room, followed by minho who closed and locked the door, not even giving seungmin a second glance as he screamed for them to come back.

the basement door closed and then locked too in the distance and seungmin could hardly believe that he was here again, he felt like all happiness was ripped from him and all he could do was long for was their arms. he pulled his knees up to his chest, sobbing as tears ran down his cheeks and neck, wetting his hoodie. he looked up in the darkness, unable to see anything at all, he felt so lost, so lonely it was so painful. he loved them so much and he tried to  tell himself that they were doing this for his own good, that they were good people and he was right to love them.

"hyungs... please come back, don't leave me here... i'm so sorry, i'm sorry! i love you!" he yelled, crying harder.

he let his head fall back, tears rolling down his neck as the silence took over, other than the sound of his own cries.

"i love you." he whispered.


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