"Yeah, we just passed them on our way here. Erin looked a lot healthier than you," Zelina said.

"I think our friend here can't handle his drink," Raquel said judiciously.

"I'll drink you under a table whenever you like, no problem," Jay said, making both women laugh.

"We'll leave you to die in peace," Raquel said. "We'll go further up the beach so we don't crowd your space."

Jay doubted any space was going to be crowded, since there were not many people on the beach. But he appreciated the sentiment. "Alright, catch you later. Maybe we can get together and grab lunch later?"

"Yeah, let's do that," Zelina said with a smile.

With that the women walked away, talking to each other in Spanish. They made quite the couple, Jay thought as he closed his eyes again. He faded out the sounds of other people having fun and listened to the gentle wave sounds of the sea. It was the kind of tranquillity that was impossible to experience in Chicago. For him, it lasted for about ten minutes.

"Jay! Jay! Are you coming in the sea?"

Clementine's excited voice made him sit up as she ran over to him. He saw that she was carrying the mask and snorkel that Erin had hired for her. Erin was walking over at a more leisurely pace, carrying her own gear and two pairs of fins. He didn't want to get up in all honesty, but he had to for Clem when she was so excited.

"Sure, I'll come with you," he said, getting up.

Clementine ran off down the beach, heading straight for the sea.

"Clem, don't go in too far!" Erin called after her.

Jay and Erin walked after her, side by side. He took Clem's fins to make Erin's load a bit easier for her.

"Bless her, she's having the time of her life," Jay said, watching Clementine go crashing into the sea.

"Yeah," Erin said contentedly. "We need to make sure we do regular family vacations. For what's left of Clem's childhood, I want her to enjoy things that I never got a chance to enjoy when I was that age."

"That's sweet, Er. We'll absolutely make sure that happens. You're such a good mom, you know?"

She looked at him. "You think so?"

"I know so."

"You're a great dad, Jay. As for me, I'm just doing my best. Clem! No deeper than that!" she called.

They reached the edge of the waves. Clementine had gone straight in, and was splashing around with the water almost up to her waist.

Jay walked in so that the waves lapped around his ankles, and stood there watching Erin call Clem over and teach her how to put on and use the snorkel gear and fins. No matter how much she played down her own parental abilities, Jay knew that she was doing an amazing job as a mom. The way Clementine responded to her, and how well behaved she continued to be was a credit to Erin as much as it was to him or to Kayla Braxton, their nanny.

"Are you coming in, Jay?" Clementine asked when she was ready to swim.

"I'll watch you from here, sweet pea. Have fun!"

And so he did. Under Erin's instruction, Clementine learned how to get comfortable with the snorkel gear, and how to enjoy swimming with it. She seemed to be having an absolute blast, which meant he couldn't stop smiling.

As he watched them, Jay found himself thinking that this was the best his life had ever been. He was looking at the love of his life, and his daughter. Everything was almost perfect. Marriage was the only other thing he could ask for now.

But was it a good idea to propose to Erin? That question had kept coming into his head since Adam and Kim's ceremony. On one hand, she obviously couldn't say yes if he didn't ask. But on the other hand he knew what Erin was like. Commitment scared her. The fact that it had taken adopting a child to force them into moving in together provided the evidence. Without Clem, he had no idea when that might have happened. What if he asked Erin to marry him, she freaked out, and it set their relationship back, or even ruined it? Was it worth risking all that? He didn't have an answer.

One way or another, he was going to have to figure it out. He was contemplating one of the most delicate things he was ever going to have to do. If he chose to do it at all.

A/N: Should Jay ask Erin to marry him? Or should he be content with the happiness they've got?

Next time, we'll get more insight into how Gonzalez's undercover operation came to an end. Obviously we know she got out unharmed, but were there any other problems?

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