Part 16 ( The Forever Scar)

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"My dear cousin," Leo's voice spoke from the main room, "how many times do I have to tell you? Stop protecting her. I need to kill her, and you know why I need to kill her, do I need to repeat myself?" I peeked through the gap that had been left open, to only find Alessandro shaking his head, "whatever you do, don't kill my child," he paused, as I took out my phone and started recording, "Kill Sofia, I don't care, but do not, and I mean it Leo, don't you dare touch my child that is living in her belly right now!" Leo scoffed but agreed. I saved the recording, and pretended to be walking down from the stairs, on my phone, as Leo came out of the door.

He smiled up at me, "Sofia! What are you doing?" He looked at my phone, as I put a picture of Alessandro and me on the background of my phone. "Awww!" Leo exclaimed, as I 'happily' beamed at him. Suddenly, Alessandro came out, and in an instant, my phone was snatched out of my hands, and shoved in Alessandro's face. "Look Alessandro!" Alessandro chuckled, "what am I looking at? Leo, I can't see that close!" He pushed my phone inches away from his face, as he looked at my phone. I leaned across the railing of the staircase, as I took in the scene in front of me: Alessandro smiling, and his face filled with love, Leo being the typical annoying cousin/brother, and me having an amazing sister-in-law- Emilie. If only we could be a normal family. Alessandro looked up at me, his face suddenly showing dread, anger, pain, and regret. I walked down the stairs, placed a kiss on his cheek smiling, as I took my phone away from Leo's hands, "I will be taking that back, thank you very much!" I walked away while moving my hips from side to side gently. I heard Leo mutter something to Alessandro, "you have a feisty, and an amazing one. Be glad for the rest of the time you have with her!" I heard Alessandro growl, "shut up Leo!" I felt happy, sad, annoyed. I felt happy because Alessandro stood up for me. Sad and annoyed because I knew I couldn't do anything about my death, and annoyed, because Alessandro wasn't trying to prevent me from dying. He was happily giving Leo what he wanted without a fight.

Suddenly, an idea popped in my head, escape from here, and go back to my castle.

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