Part 10 (My Worst Nightmare)

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I sobbed silently into my pillow for more than 5 hours. Emilia came with a tray of food. "Sofia... is everything okay?" I turned to face her, as she gasped. "What happened?" She asked trying to touch my cheeks that had hand prints on it. I flinched away from her touch, as I swallowed the sobs that were threatening to come out. She sighed as she gave the tray of food to me, "at least eat the food." I declined it before she stood up and raised her voice a little, "you haven't eaten since the morning, Sofia..." her voice turned into a begging voice, "please Sofia. Eat! Do it for me, or do it for Alessandro, or all your loved ones... please!" I could tell she was about to cry as well, and I thought about eating before shaking my head from side to side. She closed her eyes, and turned her head away from me. "I'm going to call Alessandro if you don't eat Sofia! I don't want to do this, but you are leaving me no choice." I bit my bottom lip, before shaking my head again.

In a short amount of time, Alessandro came into my room closing the door and locking it. He sat on the end of my bed as his eyes traveled from my food to my face. He tried to wipe the tears from my face, but I moved my head aside. "Sof..." he whispered in a soft, and tender voice, "please eat!" I avoided looking at him. He brought a spoon full of soup and blew on it making sure the soup was on an edible temperature, before raising it towards my lips. With his other free hand, he lifted my chin up, so I could see him. "I'm ever so sorry Sofia, I shouldn't have done what I did, and I truly am so sorry!" He smiled a little before giving me the spoon full of soup.

I finished half of the soup bowl, and told Alessandro I didn't want to eat anymore. He nodded, and put the tray on the bedside table. He moved towards me, and brought my head into his chest, hugging me. I was getting uncomfortable, so he moved me onto his lap, and hugged me playing with my hair. Surprisingly, I fit perfectly into him, and it felt like I belonged with him, even though what he did to me earlier was unacceptable. I crossed my legs around his waist, and put my hands on his neck. His hazel brown eyes, were filled to the top with love, and nothing else- maybe a little guilt. "Aren't you angry with me Sof?" He asked as worry filled his tone. "I'm not angry..." I spoke in my most gentlest voice as I tangled my hand in his hair, "I'm just scared. I'm scared that you might hit my...our children in the future!" He closed his eyes, and reassured me "I won't. I can promise you that much!" His eyes were still closed, when I started to message his shoulder, and neck. He moaned, when I put pressure on his most tense muscle. "Why are you so stressed? Tell me!" He opened his right eye, and closed it soon enough, "can we just enjoy this moment right now please? I'll tell you, when the time is right!" I felt for the hollows in his neck, and put slight pressure from the tips of my fingers. He opened his eyes and looked at me, "you're beautiful you know?" Heat rushed to my cheeks, look at yourself... you are sculpted by God!

He laughed, "why thank you!"

"Did I say that out loud!" I gasped as terror filled me. He laughed at my reaction, and it wasn't long before I started laughing with him. I looked at him in his eyes, and slowly, without realizing what I was doing, I started to lean towards him. Before I could stop myself, our lips collided. The kiss was gentle and full of love. Alessandro slowly slid his hand across my body, making butterflies suddenly appear in my stomach.

He let his forehead rest on mine, as we both gasped for air, "thank you for being my first kiss!" I whispered in his ears. He pushed me off him, and stood up in a hurry, "your first kiss?" He asked surprised, "I thought you had a boyfriend!" Before I could say anything, he left with a frown on his face.  I faced my worst fear-kissing a boy, and then he leaves you without saying anything. I brought my knees up to my chest, as I sobbed into my knee. He left me... again...

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