Chapter 25- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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Athena gave a wary gaze and before leaving to catch up with Jackson, she asked, "Did you mean what you said back there?"

"Yes!" I shouted.

I stared into her grey eyes but without a response, she closes the door behind her leaving Jay and me alone.

Rather than standing at opposite ends of the room, he took his time coming towards my shady stature.

"What's going on with you?" His fingers caressed the table as he came closer.

"Told you I don't want to hurt anyone but I can't control myself,"

My body took a step forward.

"Then let's take precautions," he took three teasingly steps forward. "so you don't lose control."

One step forward and we've met in the middle.

"Too late."

"Why am I feeling this way Caura?"

"Maybe there is another intense emotion different than the darkness.'"

"It won't last long and that's a promise!"

"You know," I got on my tippy toes to reach his ear and whispered. "I never got a formal house tour,"

"Why now?" He raises an eyebrow.

"It'll be our little break away from everything,"

"But the pendant-,"

"Just for a little while." I plead.

He's reluctant to do it but he eventually gives in.

I linked my arm with him and he lead us to the most grandiose five-story high room with wide window panes overlooking the entrance to the front red door.

In the middle of the room lay a spiral chandelier towering over a transparent glass table with white roses.

Looking up in awe, were ten identical adjacent staircases leading down to one wide main staircase with iron railings and a white herringbone pattern floor.

"Speechless I see," he remarked.

"That's one way to put it." I chuckled gazing around the room as if looking for something.

I looked at his proud face and there that feeling was again, flushing my face with heat, and in embarrassment, I looked away right when he turned.

"Long story short we have a lot of amenities and as you can see, a lot of floors,"

He held me by my shoulders and turned me around making my eyes meet his exposed chest, where upon looking closer, short chest hairs and firm pecks can be seen.

"It's too much to tell you at the moment, but what I will say is, every elemental kingdom has a core room."

"That's it!" A soft voice droned in my head.

"What's that?"

"It's the core of a kingdom's elemental energy. And since Hephaeta is fire oriented, we have a flame that never dies. It signifies eternal life where the fire blood will never burn out."

"The meaning is beautiful,"

"I'm glad you like it because I saved the best-" his eyes were glazed and flickering between my eyes and lips as he adjusted his body so his face can gradually get closer to mine.

"-for last." He whispered.

He cupped my cheeks, tilting my head upwards to his height and proceeded to lock my lower lip in a chokehold.

While locking, he slowly nibbled and caressed my lip with his tongue as I further held him by his neck, but still on my tippy toes, as I met his tongue with mine.

Just as his skin started to get hot, we heard a voice in the distance causing us to break apart reluctantly, but with smiles.

"Jay! JAY!"

A man with dark green hair and freckles shouted, stopping short of us panting.

"It's Ziyland-" he panted heavily.

The guy took a deep breath to relay his message properly.

"Ziyland is crashing!"

Without thinking, Jay and I glanced at each other, smiles disappearing and immediately understood the urgency of the message.

Before long, the wind was running its fingers through my hair as we made our way to the infirmary.

The sound of nurses quickened the pace of my steps and as I confronted the sound of the commotion, chills went up my spine and without noticing, I was in control.

"Heart rate 180 and rising!"

"Take his tube out!"

"Heart rate 90 and falling"

"Charge to 200 volts!"




The defibrillator was the only sound made, and then silence followed.

"Ziyland?" I whispered in disbelief and as I did, the machine started beeping rapidly.

"He's flatlining!"


"Ziyland!" I shouted, grabbing a nurse's attention.

"Miss, you can't be in here right now," The nurse grabbed me by my arm and began pushing me away from the area.


"No! That's my brother, bring him back!" I matched her force trying to move forward refusing to believe he was dying.

"Miss I understand but you-"

I grabbed her violently and shoved her against the wall, releasing black frost and attaching what appeared to be a glob of water to her throat, holding her above the ground as her feet flailed at the wall.


"Listen to me, that's my big brother your pal is shooting joules into so until I know what's going on that has him like this,"

Caura, stop!

"I'm not leaving. Understood?"

All of these intense feelings are overwhelming.

"CAURA! Let her go."


Jay's voice was finally audible but I didn't want to let her go.

I scoffed at his voice, snapping me back to reality before finally staring at his hand, which was wrapped tightly around my arm, slightly burning me in the process.

But I could care less.

I liked the feeling of her life being in my hands...literally.

"Your eyes?" He stared at them, showing no hints of backing down.

Instead of letting go, he squeezed harder and turned up the heat on my arm, leaving a red outline of his hand on the visible part of my skin.

I endured the pain for a couple of seconds before it felt as though he was going to burn my skin off.

"Ah, Jay, you're hurting me," I shrieked and snapped back.

I looked at the nurse who now looked unconscious and immediately let her go where she fell to the ground with a thud.

Jay still held on and leaned closer, as the other nurses rushed to her aid, so only I could hear.

"If you weren't her," the fire-orange colour of his pupil lit up bright. "-I'd burn you to ashes!" He whispered as he forcefully let my arm go, roughly pushing me aback.

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