"Yes" she added once again.  "Am I correct in saying that you were aware of what my defendant was capable of doing, during your undercover operation?" He stopped moving.  Olivia looked up as her lawyer stood up, "objection, stated information" she huffed.  The judge held her hand up, "withheld" she shook it off, Olivia internally groaned, "detective?" The defense added.  "Yes, I was" she sighed and nodded.  "Yet you still chose to continue your undercover operation, correct?" The man raised an eyebrow.  "Objection... irrelevant questions your honour" Olivia's lawyer stood up.  Hank nodded, fortunately for liv, she has the best lawyer in Chicago.

                 "Withheld... get to your point mr Walker" the judge looked down at the defense.  "No further questions, your honour" the man shook his head and returned to yates.  The judge nodded, "please take your seat, detective" he looked down at Olivia.  She let out a shaky breath but obeyed...


                 "And I'm correct in saying dr Charles's, that the defendant was mentally unstable during the time of the kidnapping of my client?" Olivia's lawyer, Lucy, stood in front of dr Charles who was being willingly held as a witness too.  Daniel nodded, "I believe he was, and still is mentally unstable" he agreed.  "No further questions, your honour" Lucy smiled and returned to sit back down next to Olivia, smiling confidently at her in the process. 


                "Detective Harper, I want to personally say a huge thank you for your service in the forces, but I have a few questions, your honour" yates' defense wanted to take another run at Olivia.  Olivia smiled falsely and nodded, "proceed" the judge nodded.  "Am I correct in stating that you have seen a fair share of traumatic events during duty?" The defense folded his arms.  Olivia lol es eye contact with jay, why does he need to know this? Jay could see the pissed off glare on her face but she soon covered it up, "yes" she states blandly.  "And you suffer from PTSD, as a result from this?" The defense added.  Olivia looked around the room, embarrassment and shame flooding her senses, taking the words straight from her mouth, "objection your honour, irrelevant accusation" Lucy stood up. 

                    "Withheld, continue mr Walker..." the judge shook her head.  Olivia furrowed her brows, "I don't see how that's relevant..." she began, hank immediately holding his breath, "answer the question, detective" the judge sighed.  "Yes... yes, I do" Olivia have in.  Mr Walker nodded, "okay, and would you say that, you suffer regularly?" He enquired.  "Move along, Walker" the judge shook off that question, "sorry. One last question, your honour... Would you say you were in a state of trauma when my defendant held you captive, detective?" Mr Walker faced Olivia.  Olivia nodded, "yes, I was" she nodded obviously. 

                "And you don't think maybe there was a possibility that the state of trauma you were in, caused a little confusion or haziness? Could your shock have maybe altered the tale of events slightly?" He shook his head.  Olivia couldn't believe this man, but she could see that the judge was taking notes, "no, I remember everything very cl... I remember what happened, I didn't imagine it" she changed her tone of voice to sound a little more flustered.  The judge sat up and looked at her in confusion, could this defense be onto something...?  Jay looked over at hank to see his Sargent demeanour shift, everyone was on edge right now...


The judge had ordered a break before the verdict was concluded, so Olivia found herself sat in a room on her own waiting for positive signs, just waiting for anything or anyone to come to her. The door suddenly flew open, and in walked jay, followed by hank and the lawyer. She immediately stood up as jay enveloped her into a hug, "you did really good" he whispered. She let out a shaky breath and looked over at hank who shot her a confident nod, then over at her lawyer who was too unreadable. Maybe things did go well after all...

                  After the court had taken their seats again, the judge laid his hammer down harshly, "a verdict had been reached, could the jury please rise" he looked around.  Olivia watched as yates leant forwards, he looked at her blankly before sitting back and listening in, "ignore him" Lucy whispered.  Olivia nodded and sat back too as the jury began reading out their conclusion.  "We the jury find the defendant Gregory yates..." a woman began reading the script out.  Olivia held her breath, "...guilty, on 16 counts of second degree murder, kidnapping and rape against Emily Walker..." the woman began reading out names of the girls yates had killed.  "And..." the woman took a breath.  Olivia felt so nauseous...

               "Guilty on one count of kidnapping, inflicted injury, and attempted rape against detective Harper..." the woman nodded before taking her seat.  Olivia screwed her eyes shut and threw her head back in relief, the amount of weight that was carried off her shoulders in that moment was astonishing.  Hank squeezed her shoulder supportively, "it's over" he nodded with a sincere smile. Olivia smiled back and nodded too, "yeah..." she breathed out in relief. Jay reached forward and placed his hands on her arms, he said nothing as she looked back at him, but smiled reassuringly, he's so proud of her...


Later that day, the unit were at mollys having a few drinks to celebrate their win on the case, well... everyone but hank given that he doesn't socialise much. Olivia looked around and nodded, she's super thankful for everyone's support, but she really wants to go home and relax after a stressful day. Jay looked over at her, "you alright?" He squeezed her hand since she seemed a little distant and withdrawn. She nodded, "just tired" she answered without looking at him. He frowned but nodded, "hey, we're gonna head out guys. Thanks for the support but it's been a long day" jay tapped the table. Everyone shot them understandable smiled and nodded as jay stood up, Olivia was only grateful for his ability to see straight through her...

                   The car drive home was silent, and before they knew it they were walking through their front door, "thanks Mandy" Olivia smiled as the babysitter handed rue over.  Mandy smiled and nodded before leaving the house. Jay hung up their jackets and took off his tie once his shoes were off, Olivia smiled weakly as rue held her arms out for jay, she handed her over with ease, "you feeling alright?" He nodded. She smiled and sighed as she took her blazer jacket off, "yeah" she nodded, "I just thought it would feel better, you know, seeing yates for the last time..." she shrugged. He frowned and nodded, "it's over now liv, you're never gonna hear from him again, you can relax" he walked over to her and wrapped his spare arm around her. She smiled and nodded, "you're right..." she sighed, but she still has a lot of healing to endure...

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