The Voice that No One Heard

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Five Months Later

Seojun first looked down at the card, then at the man standing in front of him. The man wasn't tall, but he was handsome looking and well dressed. Affluent, by the look of it, or at the very least he had affluent tastes. He wore a well fitted dark suit covered with a tan trench coat and his shoes shone expensively. He had a kind smile and soft voice but his eyes had a cunning glint to them. Seojun felt he needed to be careful about what he said to this man.

Park Youngsu. Litigator. The name rang a far away bell in Seojun's mind, but he couldn't recall how he knew it. Perhaps he had heard it in passing since as per Chorong, the man was famous.

"Park Lawyer-nim! Can I get a picture?" Chorong asked, holding up his phone. The man effortlessly smiled into the camera while Seojun rolled his eyes. They were in his office while his contract workers dealt with the customers.

Muffled sounds of women could be heard through the closed door.

"Isn't Han Seojun going to serve us?"

"We wanted to meet the famous florist!"

"Bring out our Flower Boy!"

The other florists tried to keep the customers at bay, but Seojun knew he had to wrap up this meeting before the women started to get antsy.

"Are you a florist or an idol?" The lawyer asked good naturedly. Seojun decided he liked the man.

"A bit of both." Chorong grinned.

"When is the trial?" Seojun asked, bringing everyone back to the task at hand.

"In a month. I'll have you prepped for cross-examination before then." The man replied. "You can still say no if you want." The man repeated for the tenth time.

Seojun shook his head. "This case is for Seyeon. I want to be there."

"Well, prepare yourself then. The Defense will be going after you. They'll most likely try to sully your reputation to make your testimony seem worthless."

"Oooh, this is just like a court room drama." Chorong commented.

"It's not as exciting. The whole process is quite boring." Park Youngsu commented. "Well, I'll be off then. I'll be in touch with you online. But you will need to show up in person for the trial."

Seojun nodded. Chorong showed the lawyer out. Seojun sat back on his chair behind the counter, turning over the lawyer's card between his fingers.

Mrs. Jung's case was finally going to trial. After half a year, Seyeon's criminals would finally face some justice. Seojun buzzed with excitement. And felt a little warm happiness as well when he thought of going back home to his mother and sister.

"The girls will burn this place down if you're not around." Chorong told him later as he gathered all of his employees around to announce the news. Seojun still couldn't believe that he made enough profit to hire two more florists. He had even bought up the bookstore next door when it went out of business and expanded his store.

"You guys will be fine. I'm not the only one they drool over." Seojun pointed his chin to Yeonjun, one of the other florists with snow like skin and feline eyes that mesmerized most of their customers.

"But you're the one they call Flower Boy." Yeonjun replied. Seojun made a disgusted face and they all laughed.

"Why look so annoyed? You're the one who named your shop Flower Boy."

Seojun's disgust faded into a reserved, unreadable look. Chorong cleared his throat, "Anyways, we'll need to somehow manage when Seojun's gone. We'll need to distribute the work areas accordingly."

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