The Flower Shop's Flower Boy

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You didn't need to be a mind reader to figure out that there was no way Han Seojun would let Kang Sujin change the name of his shop. He had his arms folded, eyes boring into her, unblinking and unamused, and his mouth shriveled up as if he was tasting something incredibly sour.

Kang Sujin paid no heed to any of this.

"You'll have to have the paperwork for the shop updated. I'll have my team look into that. But make yourself available for any signatures that might be needed." She said, without looking at Seojun. Which only infuriated him more.

Look at me Goddamn it!

Sujin wouldn't. She knew what she would see, and she would have none of it. "So we're agreed. The new name will be Flower Boy. It's cheesy I know but it'll catch attention. Beautiful Flowers is not noticeable at all. And you need to stand out."

Han Seojun glared as if he had lasers in his eyes.

Sujin tilted her chin up, an evil smile playing on her lips. Casually, she taunted, "I'll take your silence as a yes." She drew out each word meaningfully.

Damn you, Kang Sujin!

It had been two weeks since Han Seojun had spoken for the first time and since then Seojun's silence seemed to have returned. Han Seojun found great comfort in this, but Kang Sujin was very disappointed, and she made that well known.

"Ah, I miss that sexy voice of yours. But since you haven't voiced your thoughts, I will assume you agree to my every word." She was having too much fun at trying to get Seojun to talk again. But he refused to be baited this way.

Nasty, evil, witch.

Her smile dropped, "You're cursing at me, aren't you?"

Of course, I am. What kind of a person exploits someone's trauma?

"I'm a businesswoman, Han Seojun. My focus is the business. If you're expecting rainbows and smiles and therapy then you're better off dealing with someone like Jukyung."

Seojun had no response. It's my fault. Why did I even expect anything? Seojun felt foolish.

"Don't you have a shop to open up?" Sujin reminded. Seojun watched the clock. Twenty minutes till he had to open.

They were in his office. Since the past two weeks, Sujin had started arriving a full two hours before opening time, to force a very tired and sleepy Han Seojun to work out different ways they could attract more customers.

So far, they had worked out a new catalogue of flowers and pre-made arrangements that Han Seojun would be offering. Sujin had worked out an entire new range of flower bouquets with unique meanings. Some of the bouquets-"You're Too Cleaver For Words", "Life of the Party", "Best of Luck With Your Job" and "Everyday is Your Birthday"-Han Seojun liked. Others-"Fuck You (Passive Aggressive)", "Fuck You (Aggressive)", "Fuck You (But I Respect Your Guts)" and "Nobody Likes You (A variation for kids)" were ones Sujin forced into the selection despite Seojun's non-verbal protests.

Once the catalogue was set, Sujin got to work on Seojun's online presence.

"How is it that you have survived this long with out a single online account?" Sujin said in shock. "!"

Seojun rolled his eyes at her.

It was at this point that Kang Sujin decided that the name Beautiful Flowers was too bland and Seojun needed something more conspicuous.

It's a ridiculous name. Seojun made a despondent face at title of the page Sujin had set up on Facebook.

Flower Boy. Blech! Seojun stuck an imaginary tongue out.

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