The Witch of Wallstreet

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She's twisted. A very twisted human being. Seojun thought as he eyed the woman perusing his flower collection.

She was back again. That snarky "Kang Leader". Back for another strange order no doubt. It was always strange orders with her. After the Fuck You bouquet, she had returned with more curious requests.

"Can you give me something that says Congratulations, but you don't deserve this promotion? But in a very low-key manner? I hate that idiot but I still want to congratulate him."

"Alright, this time I want flowers that tell people they are not welcome in my house. Is that possible?"

"How do I say You're incredibly stupid and I cannot believe you have more authority than me, in flower? I remember Geraniums from last time. But what else?"

"Are there any flowers that can mean I hope great misfortune falls on you, you perverted asshole? Just... asking for a friend."

"Another Fuck You bouquet, please. Not passive aggressive this time. Just aggressive."

He hated serving her. Almost as much as he loved serving Jukyung. But while Jukyung often received free flowers, this woman always overpaid. Seojun wouldn't have completed any of her ridiculous—and often worrying—requests had she not been so generous with her money. It made him feel like a sell out but it was better than going broke.

Much to Seojun's disappointment, Jukyung had gotten busy with her special project and wasn't able to make much time to visit him in those weeks. Which made that crazy woman's visits all the more irksome.

Lim Jukyung's visits allowed Han Seojun a reprieve from his usual loneliness. Despite interacting with new people almost everyday, Seojun had always felt isolated. Even though he never spoke, her own stories kept him company, made him feel like if he chose to speak, there was someone to talk to.

It was in her recent absence that he realized how much he liked having her around. How much he needed her babbling to keep him going.

But instead of her, he got the snarky Kang Leader who seemed to think that her overpaying for her flowers meant she could dole out unwanted advice on his business. This was very much so an unwelcome and unpleasant intrusion.

"Your lighting is shit." She had declared one time, looking up with her chin resting on interlocked fingers. "It's all wrong. But I doubt you can afford any new installations so why not start by shifting things around? Take advantage of the natural light."

Seojun had given her, his meanest glare. It had made a boy cry once, back in his high school days.

But the woman was undeterred, staring back with an unimpressed sneer, as if he were a child throwing a tantrum and she was the adult forced to deal with him.

In another visit, she said, "Look there!" whilst pointing to the blue roses, trying to make her point. "You've got those poor babies stacked in the bottom corner where no one can see them properly. You need to bring those out in a better light so that customers see them. And that!" She pointed to the peonies, "Why is that all the way up there? The light is totally flushing out their color. And they get drowned by those other pink ones! You can't just stack them all according to color. You want your product's best features to shine, don't you? Otherwise why would people buy them?"

Seojun had let her know that he liked the setting of his shop just the way it was by way of simply shoving the woman's order in her face.

"At least clear out these plants from over here," she had remarked about the storefront as she was leaving. "They're blocking the view from outside. You need to give your customers something that makes them come in. You should really listen to me. I've been consulting businesses for ten years now. Hasn't Jukyung told yo—" She would always end her tirades with some brag about how talented she was and how Seojun should take her advice because her advice was like gold. But he always ignored her. Han Seojun cared not for self-important, spoiled princesses. He knew that people like her only got to the top because of their family connections.

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