Flowers Over Boys

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Kang Sujin rushed through the cubicles to get to her office. From behind her, she heard Taehoon calling her, but she ignored him. After taking a week off from work to recover from her burn out, she was back and busier than ever. Really, the office would not be able to function if she was not there to handle things. The company board realized that. That was why they had been shocked to learn she was working on some charity project instead of her actual duties. They had called a meeting to discuss what had happened and why. Sujin had spent all of that morning trying to justify Suho's decision. Ultimately, the board had given Suho a warning that if this flower shop project failed, then his head would be on the chopping block.

Not on my watch. Sujin had thought determinedly. She would never let the board get rid of Suho. As long as she was around, no one would touch him.

Luckily for both Suho and Sujin, the flower shop seemed to be doing well. Sales had increased by a hundred and twenty seven percent—which wasn't that impressive a number when you saw how little the original sales had been but Sujin didn't bother mentioning that to the board. Even now, from her office, Kang Sujin could see the line of women (and a couple men) waiting to get into the shop to buy flowers.

"Kang Leader-nim!" Taehoon burst into her office, his face beaming with some news.

"What?" Sujin said dismissively.

"Han Seojun's gone viral."

Sujin looked at him as she put her coat on. "Oh good. Some attention will help his sales."

"No. You don't understand. He is the most trending topic right now. He's number one!"

Sujin blinked. Taehoon handed her his tablet. It showed a picture of Han Seojun, taken by one of his customers. Beneath it was the caption I finally met #FlowerHottie!! And he's even hotter in person!!

Sujin scrolled through the feed. Everywhere were pictures of Han Seojun, making bouquets, handing over flowers, even posing with some of his customers. All pictures were accompanied with either a #FlowerHottie tag or a #HotFlowerGuy tag.

"This is wonderful, isn't it? This means your project is a success!"

This was all the result of Sujin letting Seojun's customers take his pictures while they got their flowers. At that time, Sujin had only expected a few young girls to take a few snaps to give the shop some attention. She hadn't anticipated that Seojun would become a sensation overnight.

"And look! There's even articles!"

Taehoon showed her the different gossip magazines and even respected news sites that wrote about the "viral florist of South Korea". Sujin's brow started to sweat.

Han Seojun wasn't someone who could handle so much attention. The man could barely speak and when he usually did, it was to tell her off. This sort of thing might not be good for him.

Sujin pushed the tablet into Taehoon's chest who stumbled backward. "I'm leaving now. Let your Lee Leader-nim know."

She had to hurry. Who knew what state Han Seojun was in? What if he locked himself up in his room again? The thought made her sprint across the road, despite wearing heels.

The shop was overcrowded with women looking to catch a glimpse of the viral flower boy. Sujin pushed her way through to the counter.

"Han Seo..." The words trailed off as she saw Han Seojun, looking smug as ever, smirking playfully at the customer at the counter. The customer was blushing as Seojun was offering more roses to her. The crowd around him seemed in awe as he deftly wrapped up the customer's order in lavender paper. Some of the women took pictures and Seojun leaned this way and that so that they could get a better angle of him.

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