Chapter 9 - Meeting The Ginger

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Chapter 9

It was the morning of the ball and everyone was excited. 

They quickly ate breakfast and got ready to leave for Ireland. When everyone was ready, they all grabbed onto a soccer ball port key (Harry Potter much?) and was transported right in front of Niall's estate. Everyone, but Amanda, had visited the place before and it only made him nervous. He wanted her to love the place, just as much as he did. When he glanced at her, he saw her admiring her new surroundings with amazement.

"Do you like it?" He questioned.

"Like?!" She scoffed, "More like love! This place is breath-taking."

"Like you of course." He winked.

"Sure." She giggled.

His gaze softened, "You're beautiful and you put everyone else to shame."

"I'd beg to differ." She replied not believing him.

"You're the only woman I will ever love unless...we have a daughter."

She pouted, "You had me there."

"I'm sorry babe," He murmured placing his lips on hers, "God, I'm so lucky you're mine."

"Are you guys done yet?" Harry interrupted, "We've been standing here for a while and I'd like to go inside and use the loo."

"Harry!" Elide scolded, "They're having a moment!"

"They can continue when we go inside." Harry argued.

Elide glared at him but stopped when he leaned in to kiss her.

Niall rolled his eyes, "Anyways, let's go inside and I'll show you your rooms. I would advise you all stay there for the time being."

"Are they still setting up for the ball?" Liam asked.

"Yeah." Niall nodded, unlocking the front door.

The foyer was 10 times grander than their safe house. It was made out of white marble and everything was spotless. Niall led them up the grand staircase and down a long hallway. A couple turns later, he assigned each couple a room and steered Amanda, farther down the hallway.

"Niall where are we going?"

"We're almost there, Princess." He smiled at her.

They walked down a bit more and reached a fancy looking door. He gave her a nervous smile and opened it. She was met with black walls that had a few posters of football players on them. One wall, was occupied with shelves of trophies, pictures, and books.

She immediately let go of his hand and stalked towards the shelves. Every trophy was awarded to him for being an 'Outstanding Player', with 'Great Leadership and Effort', and he was the 'Most Valued Player'. There were also pictures of him as a kid and at his games. Her heart fluttered at the sight.

"I didn't know you played soccer as a kid." She smiled, breaking her gaze off his pictures.

"You mean football?"

"Sorry, I'm American." She giggled, "Do you still play?"

"FIFA doesn't count, does it?" He joked.

She shook her head.

"I haven't played in a while. The boys and I play sometimes, but the teams end up uneven and it always ends nasty." He laughed.

"Well I'm no good, but I'd love to join. I could use the exercise."

He glared at her.

"Or not." She added.

"You're beautiful the way you are." He sighed, "I just wish I could show you."

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