Chapter 10 - Elites

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Chapter 10

"Has anyone found out where the Elites are hiding? For goodness sake, you people are worthless!" The Woman screeched.

Everyone in the dim room winced as their leader yelled profanities at each of the individual.

"Where were they last spotted?!" She demanded.

"A-At Councilman Nicholas's manor, miss." One of them spoke out.

She rushed to him and urged him to continue, "Have they left?"

"I-I don't know."

"Then what are you all standing around for? Find out!" She ordered, and no one moved because they were afraid.

"Don't make me repeat myself or there will be hell to pay." She growled.

Everyone scurried off and left the dark mistress alone, not wanting to witness her wrath.


The brunette sat up from her sleep and look around the room, sighing in relief. Looking beside her, she saw the familiar brownish-blonde locks already looking at her. She smiled and her hand suddenly flew to her neck and brushed against the bite marks. It stung a little, but it was worth it.

"How do you feel? Does it hurt babe?" He asked concerned.

"A little," She spoke, hoarsely, "I'm fine though, just a bit thirsty. How long was I asleep?"

"A day and a half."

She groaned, "I bet I look like a mess."

"You look beautiful." He scolded, kissing her.

She pulled away blushing and slid out of the covers, making her way to the bathroom. 

A small gasp came out when she stepped in front of the mirror to observe herself. Her skin was a bit paler, but it brought out her light purple eyes. Her hair was more voluminous and pretty than usual. As her gaze stopped at her neck , the bite instantly disappeared and she didn't feel any pain. 

She quietly continued her morning routine and walked out of the bathroom, only to find Niall holding a cup of blood. "You need to drink some of this, it'll make you feel way better."

She nodded and grabbed the cup from him, "Thanks Ni."

"So, how'd you sleep?" He asked, as she got dressed.

"I-I had this weird dream..."

Niall sat up and gestured for her to continue.

"This really tall, dark-haired woman was yelling at a group of people to find out our location... I don't know, it's really odd an-"

"We need to leave this place!" Niall jumped up, dragging her to the common room.

"Why? Is my dre-"

"A vision? Yeah, your powers are already getting powerful." Niall nodded, searching for the port key.

He found it underneath a pile of clothes, grabbed it, and took her hand in his, before running down the stairs. They ran into the living room and caught everyone's attention.

"Guys, we need to leave! Abdeli just found out our location and we have to go!" Niall explained.

"So it was her all along." Louis scowled, "Alright, everyone into the ballroom! The sooner we leave, the better."

Everyone rushed down the hall and barged into the ballroom. Maids were finishing up cleaning and a of couple men, were collecting chairs. Niall went up to one of the maids and told her to tell everyone on the property to evacuate as soon as they can and to not give out any information. The maid nodded and went off to spread the orders.

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