Chapter 12- Football

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Chapter Twelve ~

"Go, go, go! Pass it to him!" Amanda shrieked, while Niall admired her enthusiasm for the sport.

"GOAL!" Louis shouted, high-fiving her and Harry.

"YES! VICTORY!!!' Harry jumped up.

It was the happiest Louis had been all week. 

They were currently sitting in a VIP box at the Old Trafford football stadium. Manchester United was playing against Sunderland for the English Premier League and ended up successful. As the stadium emptied, the group stayed behind and was escorted to meet the players.

When they entered the room, Amanda almost fainted. 

She was in the room with the Wayne Rooney. Harry was already there, seeing as he teleported his way inside to warn the guys to not bring up any subject involving Denmy or Michelle. Niall laughed at her expression and dragged her to a couch, placing her on his lap.

"Sorry babe, there isn't much room." He mumbled, into her hair.

"It's okay." She blushed.

"I see Niall finally found his blood singer." A guy commented.

"A what?.." She asked, confused.

Everyone chuckled.

"It's an old term, it still means soulmate." Niall laughed, squeezing her.

"I'm Tom, Tom Cleverley." The guy stood up, offering her his hand.

She shook it and smiled, "Amanda-"

"Soon-to-be Horan." Niall finished.

The room suddenly filled with 'Awwws' and teasing.

"Anyways, I'm Wayne." Wayne Rooney spoke, waving at her.

"She knows." Louis stated, "She's a huge fan."

She blushed, "Am not."

"I'm Robin Van Persie." Another guy spoke, waving.

"Hello love, I'm Javier and this is Ryan." A brown-haired guy smiled, before resuming into a discussion with Liam and Ryan, who nodded at her.

"So how'd you enjoy the game?" Robin asked her.

"I loved it! It's my first game." She replied.

"Well we're glad you did! It was an easy game, Sunderland is a bit weak on defense." Tom stated.

"Maybe because you guys have more experience than the whole team put together." Harry retorted.

"We're vampires, Hazza. They don't stand a chance either way." Louis snorted.

Niall rolled his eyes, "What a load of shit, Lou! If you went against Rooney, you'd lose and you're a vampire."

"I would not!" Louis argued.

"Shall we test it?" Elide butted in.

"No! I don't have the shoes to play in!" Louis said, quickly.

"You can always borrow mine, Tomlinson." Tom smirked.

"And get foot fungus from your sweaty shoes? No thanks Cleverley."

"Leave him alone guys," Amanda giggled.

"Thank you!"

"I mean we all know he'd lose, so there's no need to waste time on testing it out." Amanda teased.

Louis glared at her, while everyone in the room laughed.

"I like her, she's perfect for you!" Wayne winked at Niall.

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