Chapter 3 - Shut Up and Drive

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Chapter 3

"Call the others!"

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"N-Niall." She trembled.

Niall saw the desperate look on her face and quickly got his phone out and phoned Liam, while wrapping an arm around her for comfort.

"What's up Nialler?"

Amanda grabbed the phone from him and spoke into it, "They know we left. They're coming after you guys. We're really far ahead of you guys. You're about a town and a half away from them, so speed up and don't stop! Liam, tell Louis to take the next exit--the gps should reroute to another highway! There's five of them after you."

Everyone in both cars froze, while Zayn mumbled a bunch of profanities and sped up.

"Another vision?" She heard someone question in the background.

"Yes, now Louis drive faster!" Liam barked.

After discussing multiple solutions for a few more minutes, the two finally hung up.

"Babe, slow down a little... We're already ahead of them." Lina spoke into his ear as she leaned forward behind his seat.

When Zayn heard her voice, he immediately calmed and slowed the car down a bit. 

"Louis better be speeding up." Harry muttered anxiously.

"You and I both know he is." Zayn replied.

"Yeah, if anything you can just transport yourself to help them." Niall pointed out.

"They'll be fine! Louis will handle it!" Lina spoke aloud.


"Louis, speed up!" Elide shrieked from the back, "They're 40 miles behind us!"

Louis sighed and stepped on the gas pedal even harder. They were now going 150 mph and thankfully, the new route was empty and there were no cops around. It worked seeing as the enemy was really behind, but that didn't stop them from speeding even faster.

Liam spoke, "Merge right onto this freeway! I think we lost them, but let's stay at this speed."

Suddenly, Louis made a wild turn making the girls in the back seat fly to the right.


"Louis I swear to god!"

"What the hell Lous!?"

"Sorry ladies, almost missed the exit." Louis shrugged, smirking.

"Oh really? Tell that to the couch you're going to be resting on, when we get there." Michelle retorted, pissed off.

She was squished the most, seeing as she sat near the door. Louis doing it on purpose, made her mad.

"Trouble in paradiseeee." Elide and Denmy sang.

"Babe, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Louis asked, feeling guilty.

Michelle sighed, "I'm fine, I'm just anxious about all this. I forgive you, I mean you're kinda hard to be mad at."

"Good! Now I packed a juicebox for you, it's under my seat." He winked .

"You're forgiven!" She exclaimed, looking for it.

"You two are so cute together!" "A juicebox, really?"

"She loves them!" Louis argued.

After talking and arguing about multiple things, the girls fell asleep and Liam rested his eyes. When he reopened them, he turned towards Louis.

"Wanna switch? I'll drive from here. Take a rest."

"I don't want to stop.." Louis replied.

"Louis, we're ahead by a lot. Just one quick stop! It'll be less than a minute! "

"Fine." Louis grumbled and pulled over.

He quickly slid over to Liam's seat, as Liam took over his seat and drove off.

"Just floor it and stay around 140 mph, Liam." Louis ordered.

"I got this, don't worry Lou."

Louis nodded and rested his eyes but didn't sleep. Since the boys were older vampires, they couldn't exactly sleep. For them, sleep mainly consisted of closing their eyes. Considering all the girls (except Amanda) had completed the Vampire transition, the boys have found that immortality affected the girls differently. Not only did their powers heighten, but they needed to sleep in order to fully function.


As they drove off the interstate, Zayn quickly drove to In-N-Out and went through the drive through. Harry and Zayn also switched driving roles during this time and quickly ate their burgers before returning back to the highway.

"This is so good." Amanda moaned in delight, while taking a huge bite of her burger.

Niall smiled at her. Everything about her was cute to him. 

Finishing his burger, he moved onto finishing his fries. He saw Amanda shyly glancing at his fries, before offering his tray her way. When Amanda finished all of Niall's fries, she beamed at him, kissed his cheek, and made herself comfortable next to him. This all somehow felt natural to her.

"Are we almost there yet?" She asked.

"Almost princess, just a few more hours." Niall responded, hugging her closer to him.

"We just need to pass the state border and a few more cities!" Lina added.

"And then we'll reach the safe house." Zayn pointed out, "It's hidden but the view is very beautiful!"

"We'll meet up with the others there." Harry responded, "They need to make sure they aren't followed and pick up a few household things, including groceries, since Liam doesn't trust us with groceries. They shouldn't be long."

Amanda nodded and looked towards Lina. Her and Zayn making faces at each other. She nudged Lina and giggled. 

"Shut up." Lina blushed.


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