Chapter 4 - Different and Unique

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Chapter 4

"We're almost there." Liam announced, happy.

"Liam, Harry just texted me and told me to tell you that the safe house pantry doesn't have enough food to feed us all." Elide sighed, "I'm not doing it, i'm tired and cold."

"I'll do it, I need to get out this car." Michelle volunteered.

"I'll go with!" Louis agreed.

"Okay, be fast and no making out! We don't have much time. I want to get to the hideout as soon as possible," Liam lectured, "I want you out the place in 20 minutes. Can you manage that?"

"Yes Dad." Louis rolled his eyes, "God, I thought I was the oldest."

Liam glared at Louis, before returning his focus back on the road and finding the closest grocery store. Michelle and Louis quickly got out the car and walked hand-in-hand into the store. They quickly grabbed a cart and filled it to the brim, not forgetting the four cases of juice boxes. 

The cashier quickly rung up their items and glanced at Louis, dreamily.

"Do you mind?" Michelle blurted out, "I know he's good looking and all but he's mine and we have a schedule."

The cashier girl's cheeks turned super red, "T-That'll be £284.63."

Louis looked at Michelle amused, before giving the clerk the right amount of money. She handed them their receipt and Louis led Michelle and the cart out the store.

"Jealous much?" He smirked.

She blushed, "I was not."

"Sure you weren't babe." Louis winked.

They got to the car and Liam helped the two load the things into the trunk. Then, they were on their way.


"Oh my god, this place is huge!" Amanda gasped.

Everyone laughed at her reaction.

Lina grinned, "Just wait until you get inside !"

"I can't wait!" She exclaimed.

"Go inside and explore, I'll meet you inside." Niall grinned at her.


"Lina, go ahead and give her a tour of the place. We'll bring everything inside." Niall stated.

"Okay then, c'mon!" Lina motioned for Amanda, "This is actually one of our vacation homes that no one knows about besides the boys and their families, but for the time being it'll be our safe house!"

The inside looked even better. The ceiling lights lit up the entrance room perfectly and it had a grand staircase made out of white granite, that split into two sides but met at the top. The stairs were made out of white granite. 

"Wow." Amanda gaped. 

Lina laughed at Amanda's expression, "Want a tour of the bottom floor or upstairs?" 

"Let's go upstairs first? I really want to see where i'll be sleeping."

"About that... You kinda have to share with Niall."

"Oh um, what?" She asked, nervously.

"Yeah, our guest room has been under construction for a while. Louis wanted to install a bathroom the last time we were here and tore down a wall." Lina rolled her eyes, "It's still incomplete because he can be an idiot sometimes. You...don't mind sharing with Niall do you?"

"No um, it's fine." Amanda blushed.

"Good. Anyways, let's go up!"

Lina led Amanda up the right side of the staircase and opened the first door.

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