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Here we are in Mr. Jeon's office as he explained the whole war plan that's going to happen since he did promise Minji to do whatever she wants to make up to her.

Oh Minji! Such a mysterious, clever girl.

"So that's the plan that all of us head leaders were discussing about the only thing I'm interested to know now is what is your plan?"

Mr. Jeon asked looking specifically at me, Taehyung and Jennie since we three are the known ones who always have a successful and brilliant plan.

"Jennie? Taehyung? What do you guys think?" I asked averting my gaze from the planner notebook to me siblings.

"How about we just figure it out while we're in battle...what do you say?" Jennie suggested

"You know she has a point since we don't really know if they're going to do it exactly like how they planned it, maybe there will be some twists" Taehyung agreed as well

I just simply nodded my head at them as I started going thru deep thought

"When did you say they were going to attack again Mr. Jeon?" I asked Me. Jeon staring at him deeply

"Hmm in about 6 weeks" he replied

"Great! That'll be enough time for us to practice and train to get ready" I announced

"Noona? How about me and Minji's debut?" Taehyung asked

"We can squeeze it in our schedule, it's not going to be hard" I replied

I then faced Mr. and Mrs. Jeon as I said in a polite manner

"Well I believe we all should get going now since some of us have jobs and careers and another thing is some of us aren't really aloud here hehe"

"Oh right you guys are leaving, please be careful and once all of this is over...Minji do please come home and stay with us" Mrs. Jeon pleaded

"Of course mom I will" Minji reassured with a sweet smile

"Well mom, dad I guess we need to go now so bye" Jungkook said as we all then bid them goodbye and head out of the Jeon house.

"So what now?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi said

"Let's get out of here first before we discuss"

All of us the started heading towards the city to be safe as I held on to Yoongi while Rose was on Jimin's back and Namjoon was held by Jungkook and Hoseok was held by Jennie and Lisa.

All of us vampires then speeded towards the city dragging the werewolves with us since it will be way faster since vampires run faster that wolves. We then arrived infront of Jisoo and Jin's house in the city as all of us vampires then let go of the wolves.

"I am not going to get used to that" Namjoon said while holding his stomach trying to control his nausea motion sickness from the super speedy journey

"Don't worry Joon you will get used to it" Yoongi said as he was already used to being dragged in vamp speed as he looked very proud in a cool type of way.

I just chuckled at him as we entered the house. We all plopped ourselves on the couch and started discussing.

"So what are your plans now that you guys will be living in the big city now?" Taehyung asked them

"Actually Taehyung Oppa while you were gone with Aera Unnie I've opened up a clothing shop here in Seoul. So now I'm working as a fashion designer" Jennie announced

"That's great Jennie I'm so proud of you" I congratulate Jennie

"Well me and Hoseok are thinking of applying for being highschool teachers" Namjoon announced

"Hmm well you both are very smart for that anyways...I believe you guys would do great" Yoongi said

"How about you guys?" Minji asked referring to Jungkook, Jimin, Lisa and Rose

"Hmm well actually me and Jungkook are CEO's now so" Jimin explained

"Yeah and Lisa is kind of my assistant too" Jungkook added

"That's great guys" I said

"How about you Rose?" Hoseok asked

"Oh I was thinking of being an actor like Jin Oppa and Jisoo Unnie as well" Rose explained

"Oh that will be great!!! I will help you apply!" Jisoo Unnie cheered

"Well I guess all of us have our goals on doing in our life so that's great! At least all of us are kinda more human than the monsters we are" I said

All of us then chatter for a couple more hours as me, Yoongi, Taehyung and Minji then headed to our Company building while the others didn't have anywhere to stay so Jin and Jisoo aloud them to stay at their house for awhile.

When we arrived at the BIGHIT HYBE BUILDING me and Yoongi then headed to our dorm while Taehyung and Minji did the same.

I then did my night routine and headed to bed as I slowly drift to dream land.

ALPHA'S FORBIDDEN MATE ~ Yoongi fanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt