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After our performance the staff members then escorted us backstage then the next performance began. Both me and Yoongi then headed to our seats just to be surprised on who we saw...

Jin and Jisoo are here!


Both me and Yoongi yelled grabbing the couples attention as we headed towards them

"Oh Aera! Your performance was great!" Jisoo complimented as we both hugged each other same with Yoongi and Jin

"That was a hell of a performance guys!" Jin added making Yoongi smile

"Thanks Hyung! By the way how are you guys here?" Yoongi asked

"Did you forget or are you acting dumb? We are invited here! We are actors to remember" Jisoo said with a hint of sass in her voice

"Oof right...forgot about that hehe" Yoongi said rubbing the back of his neck

We then started enjoying the other idols performances as we vibe with them. Me and Yoongi then had achieved at least 6 awards from our song which is very very surprising, at the end of the award show all of the winners then gathered on the stage including us as we all took a group picture.


We heard everyone shout when we arrived at the BIGHIT HYBE Building, there was confetti everywhere, balloons and a big banner that says 'CONGRATS'

"THANKS GUYS!!!" Me and Yoongi said in unison as we smiled at all the effort of the staffs and trainees.

"You both never fail to impress and surprise us! We are all very proud of you!" Bang PD said as he patted both me and Yoongi's shoulder.

Everyone then started smiling mischievously as they pushed me and Yoongi towards the cafeteria. We then saw all the tables with meals and delicious foods


All of us then started spreading out to different tables and started eating, oh! how fun.

"Oh Noona me and Minji have some great news" Taehyung said while munching on his food

"What is it?" I asked

"Me and Minji are finally going to release our debut song in tomorrow!" Taehyung announced as both me and Yoongi's eyes lit up

"Really! That's great!!!" Yoongi congratulated as he smiled at him and both Yoongi and Taehyung did their little bro fist bump

"That's very great news Tae! I'm very proud of you" I added

We then started enjoying our night as we all ate together and chatted.

Today we just finished helping Taehyung and Minji with their debut photoshoot. The views of their new song are increasing minute by minute, me and Yoongi literally look like proud parents right now.

We were now getting ready to wrap up the set since the shoot is over when I suddenly got a call from Jisoo.

I immediately answered the call and before I got a chance to say hello I was cut off by her shouting, her voice seemed scared and worried but more of stressed.

I couldn't make out what she was saying since she was yelling on the phone and talking fast at the same time, I then started talking calming her down and making her explain what was happening

"Hey hey! Calm your wolfness! Tell me what's happening! Just talk slowly"

"Vampires! Werewolves! They are coming to get you! They are heading your way now please listen carefully to me and tell Yoongi, Taehyung and Minji to wait outside for us! Me and Jin are driving your way to get you four and hide you for a couple of days ok!" Jisoo said breathlessly

"Wait wait what's happening!?" I exclaimed

"Since you guys became so popular at the Seoul Music Awards both Yoongi's and Your parents got to know where you guys are at now maybe the vampires and the werewolves both of your parents assigned to get you both might collide which will lead to a big deal since they are after the same target! Another thing is because your brother is supposed to be missing the vampire clans have been such a mess! You see! you and your little brother are not just regular vampires! You are part of one of the strongest clans now just stay put and tell the others about the plan! We are coming to get you!!!"

After that long explanation she then hang up the phone as I stared at my phone shocked about what I just heard.

She means my dad already figure out where I am?! Argh! Why can't he just let me be?! Anyways it was his fault on why I even ran away in the first place! But still if he gets to me and if he gets to Yoongi he might kill Yoongi.

I guess Yoongi felt my scared and worried presence as he made his way towards me and hugged me from behind

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked in a gentle voice

"We need to go" I said in a shaky voice which came out as a whisper

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked confused

Taehyung and Minji then made their way towards us as Minji asked

"Unnie what's wrong?"

I then explained what was happening as all of their eyes widened in shock, after telling them the current situation I then told them the plan Jisoo came up with as all of them agreed and followed me to the front of the building waiting for Jin and Jisoo to pick us up.



ALPHA'S FORBIDDEN MATE ~ Yoongi fanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt