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It's been 2 months now since Taehyung joined us in being idol Trainees as the both of us has been ignoring our dad's calls and has been on the look out if ever he would come and find us. Man this is all so messed up.

Right now all of the trainees including us are called and gathered together and lined up in rows as Bang PD nim is infront of us as he announced

"So everyone I gathered all of you together since I am now going to be announcing the chosen ones to debut first-"

PDnim got cut off by our loud happy cheers which made him chuckle at us then he continued

"But all of you remember that you have done a marvelous job and all of you has worked very very hard and I am very proud of everyone but if you don't get chosen to debut now it's ok since we all have our destined time"

All of us listened carefully to Bang PD's speech as we then continued to listen and focus to the names who would debut first

"So the chosen ones to debut first is
LION HEARTS *girl group*
BOYZONE *boy group*
TAEHYUNG AND MINJI*ok now so basically they wanted to be a idol duo like me and Yoongi*
THE BOYFRIENDS *boy group*
PLUS GIRLZ *girl group*
And last but not the least
ZERO NINE *boy group which that Leo dude is included into*"

The groups that were chosen all cheered while the non chosen ones just clapped and congratulated us while some girls glared at us but more usually at me but who gives a shit, I did it! All of my Trainee days payed off real well.

Right now me and Yoongi are in a studio trying to create our first song as Yoongi was busy doing the beats I was busy doing some of the lyrics.

"Are you done yet?" Yoongi asked me

"Not really, how about you?"

"I'm almost done but I want you to hear it first if you have any add ups or changes to the beat" Yoongi explained as he handed me his headphones and played the beat composition he made

"It's good" I approved

"Ok well imma just finish this up then we can work on some of the lyrics together"

Yoongi suggested as I nodded in agreement

Right now we are infront of Bang PD letting him listen to the mixtape we made as I could see in his facial expressions he was happy and proud...I guess hehe.

"This is good! I like it!"

As Bang PD said those words both me and Yoongi's tensed posture loosen up as we smiled happily at each other then faced PDnim.

"I will set a date for the release of your first song but first you guys need to do a photo shoot, MV shooting and a debut introduction okay?"

We both nodded in agreement as we both bid goodbye to Bang PD and left his office


"IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!" Yoongi said


We both hugged each other in happiness then both started running all the way to the other end of the building to inform Taehyung and Minji.


We both yelled in happiness not caring about anyone around us looking at us weirdly. We then spotted the two as we ran towards then and hugged them while saying


"WOW that's great news!!!" They both congratulated us

"How about you guys? Are you guys done yet?" Yoongi asked

"Hmm not yet" Minji said

"Oh well maybe we can help right Yoongi!"

I suggested as Yoongi nodded in agreement

"No need but thank you for the consideration" Taehyung said

"Come on bro atleast let us hear it first" Yoongi insisted

"Hmm fine" Taehyung then led us to their recording room while we listened to their song

"Hmm not bad" I said as I listened more to the song

"Look this is great!" Yoongi said

"I really think you should submit this to PDnim...I know he will love it" I encourage the two

"You think so?" Minji said having second thoughts

"YES" Me and Yoongi said in unison

"Well then okay"

We then cheered as we headed to Bang PD's office....again.

ALPHA'S FORBIDDEN MATE ~ Yoongi fanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя