Twenty Four// ChildHOOD

Start from the beginning

He scoots over on the bed to let me sit beside him, and I lay down, mocking his actions, next to him.

"How are things with Raff?" Cal asks, rolling a bit to lay on his side, propping his body up with his elbow. Groaning, I dig my face into the pillow underneath me.

"I'm guessing not good?" He laughs. And then I feel a hand on my back and tense up a little bit, not expecting him to touch me. But I relax when he slowly starts moving his fingertips lightly in circular motions.

Last night was really hard for me in terms of getting sleep. I got maybe three and a half to four hours of rest, which isn't nearly enough. So Calum rubbing my back like this is tempting me to close my eyes and drift off into a state of non- worry filled sleep.

"No, everything's perfectly fine." I say, moving my head to the side to look at him, not caring that I probably look like shit from his angle. I'd lay on my back, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this mini massage.

"He treated you like shit at the party, Aspen. Did you just forgive him?" Calum sinks back down to my level, looking me in the eye.


"You didn't."


A huge groan of anger and frustration exits his mouth as he rolls his eyes.

"He was such a dick to me in the kitchen. He called me Ching Chong like three times and got in my face and everything." Calum sighs , and his eyes flutter closed.

"Do you want me to beat him up for you?" I ask, not being serious but wanting him to know that I have his back.

And that my friends cone before my boyfriend.

"Yes. I'd love that. Tell me when you do, I'd like to watch." He laughs, and I whack his arm.

"Its disappointing that you don't like him because I really really do, but I mean, I can't control you."

"Raff thinks he can control you."

"Well, he can't. Usually he's so sweet Calum, please believe me. I don't know what happened that night." I lie. I kind of know what happened that night.

His hand slides off of my back and he sits up, leaning against the window. I flip over so that I'm on my back and pull the pillow next to me so that its on top of my head, covering my face.

There's a weird , unknown tension that's settled in the room and I don't like it. I don't like tension, and especially how it feels with Calum.

"Has he ever touched you? You know... Sexually?"
"No." I answer bluntly, my voice most likely muffled by pillow.

"Wow. He's your boyfriend and he hasn't even tried to make you feel good?"

"Calum, I don't let him." I sigh.

I hear the door open and my heart drops to my stomach when I think its Calum that's left. But, then my mum starts talking and I sigh in relief.

"Dinner's ready." Her cheery voice says.


I don't enjoy eating in front if a crowd of people, but I managed to get through the meal. Grandma was so witty and funny, like she always is. I'm honestly so happy to have her in my life. She made a cute little speach, too.

"I'm glad to be twenty one today, for the fiftieth time."

Everyone laughed, and smiled. And I gave her a big, thirty second long hug before she left the house.


i'm so emotionally drained. this week has just been so hard, i'm so sorry i'm bad at updating.

and i'm so so so so so sorry if this chapter sucks i'm too tired to edit i'll try to later i just really wanted to get this chapter out of the way bc let's be honest, its boring

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