While Adam made his rounds, talking to some of the other guests, Jay found himself standing with Kim's dad, who had little Alex with him in a stroller.

"Who's the one who caught the bouquet?" Jay was asked.

"That's Raquel Gonzalez. She works with us in Intelligence."

"Fearsome looking fucker isn't she?"

Jay laughed. "She sure can be. But Raquel's a really nice person when you get to know her. She's fun to be around. And she's great at her job. Only a few weeks ago, she brought down a motorcycle club and a cocaine running crew in one fell swoop, thanks to some excellent undercover work."

"Really? I don't know how you guys do that kind of thing."

"It's part of the job." Jay slapped him on the shoulder. "I'll catch up to you later. Going to congratulate Ruze."

Jay walked over to Adam, who was talking to Kevin Atwater. He was received with a hug by the groom.

"She made an honest man of you, brother," Jay said. "You both did great."

"An honest man? Him?" Kevin quipped, and the three of them laughed.

"Hey, I'm not the one shacked up with Bayley Martinez," Adam fired back.

"Ooof. That is a big ooof," Jay said, rubbing salt into the wound with a grin on his face.

Kevin took the bait. "I'm not shacked up with her. I have to go to her house sometimes to do my job."

"Uh huh," Jay said, making it sound like an accusation.

"I'm not going to start scuffling with you at a wedding," Kevin said, and they laughed again.

"Seriously though, what a great day," Jay said. "I'm so glad the whole team was able to come."

"Yeah, it's been perfect. I don't deserve life as good as this, but I'll take it," Adam said.

"You deserve it all, man," Kevin said seriously, recognising that it wasn't a moment for banter.

"Let's make sure we get a picture of the three of us. Brothers," Adam said.

It was a special moment for Jay. He didn't tell people how he felt about them enough, even after the mall shooting had made doing so seem even more important. "Brothers for life," he said.

Then he noticed Clementine coming over, apparently having gotten bored with the photo taking.

"Hey, Clem. How did you like the wedding?"

"It was okay. Kim looks so pretty."

"Yeah, she does," Adam said pleasantly. By now, all of Jay and Erin's friends had taken to Clementine, and not only because of the horrendous circumstances that had led to them adopting her.

The adoption was now officially complete, even without the need for Erin to call in the questionable favour that she had negotiated with Sam Miller.

"Are you enjoying the Bahamas?" Kevin asked the child.

"Yeah. I had never been to the beach before," Clementine said. "My mom and dad couldn't afford to travel much. Erin said we can swim in the sea tomorrow."

Jay smiled. The Halstead clan were staying on the following day, before heading home the day after that. A day chilling on the beach sounded good to him, taking in the sun and having a few drinks while Erin and Clem enjoyed the water. "That'll be great," he said.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself, trouble," Adam said, ruffling Clementine's hair with his hand in an affectionate gesture that would still annoy her. Trouble was his nickname for her.

"Hey!" Clementine objected, immediately trying to fix her hair.

"I'm going to have to 'mingle'. I think that's what you call it," Adam said.

Kevin headed off too, leaving Jay and Clementine standing together.

"Adam always does that to me," she complained.

"Yeah, but he does it because he likes you," Jay said.

Clementine considered that, seemed to accept it, then changed the subject. "Jay?"


"When are you going to marry Erin?"

Damn, kids have a way of asking direct questions, Jay thought. "I don't know, Clem. That's the honest answer."

"But you want to marry her, right?"

"Yes, I do want to marry her. But that's got to be our secret, okay? Not a word to Erin about it. I can trust you, can't I?"

"Of course. I won't say anything," she said with the utmost seriousness.

"That's good."

"Okay, I need the men to come forward, please," the photographer called out. Thereby, the women were free for now. As they all started changing places, Jay approached Kim, with Clementine by his side. It was his first chance to speak to her that day. He offered a hug and she walked into his arms.

"Congrats, Kim. So happy for you. I love you, girl."

Kim held him tightly for a moment. "I love you too, Jay. So glad you're here, and you managed to get Adam to show up on time."

He laughed. "He was ready at like 6am. He wore a groove in the hotel room floor pacing around it."

Now it was her turn to laugh. "He gets like that when he's anxious."

"I'd better go. Talk to you in a bit," he said just as Erin joined them. There was time for him to peck her on the lips before walking over to join the rest of the men, ready to take direction from the photographer.

"I'll have the groom and the best man first, please."

Jay stepped forward and stood beside Adam. As they smiled for the photographs, Jay noticed Erin and Clementine in the corner of his eye. Erin was standing behind Clem, with her hands on her shoulders. He felt remarkably happy in that moment. And he knew that he was ready to ask the big question of Erin. Now it was a matter of planning when and where.

A/N: Welcome to the final book of this story.

I'm anticipating some people feeling disappointed that we didn't see the end of Gonzalez's undercover mission. But don't worry, there will be more on that in a future chapter.

Adam and Kim tied the knot, and now Jay had decided to pop the question to Erin. When and how do you think he should do it?

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