『 23 』

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I was getting off of work when I got a message from Jimin. I was about to take out my phone but I was holding too many things in my hand. After I put everything in the car going to the driver's seat.

I drove off home, I get out of the car, walk up to my car, and unlock my front door. I dragged my body upstairs to my room, opening the door plopping on my bed taking out my phone reading Jimin's message as I sat up.

My eyes widened I couldn't believe Jimin and Taehyung had gotten kidnapped but who would kidnap them?! WHAT DOES HE MEAN DON'T CALL THE POLICE?!!! Excuse me?! You have been kidnapped?!

Should I calm down... I get Jimin location shared point. Where is that?? I just hope they're not hurt or else there will be problems. Should I call out from work tomorrow? Yeah, I should. " Wassup Jin!" as the boss says all nonchalant " I won't be coming tomorrow cause some family problems came up," I said calmly.

" Okay, thanks for telling me," We said our goodbyes after I hung up the phone putting my phone on the side of my bed. As I went to go take a shower, brushing my teeth. Once I got done taking a shower I headed to l my bed going to sleep.

Next morning, I didn't sleep at all last night because of what Jimin sent me. I got up getting ready to go to this place. A few minutes later, I arrived at this place I had no idea where I am...?

I went up to the door knocking on it, someone answers it. Hey! Isn't that the guy I saw before? " Hello? A familiar guy showed again but... Why is he here? Did he do this?!

Stay calm or... Else he'll know your scare, don't show fear as I inhale and exhale before talking to him. " Is Jimin and Taehyung here? I asked while gulping and Namjoon didn't hesitate to his answer " No" Maybe...? I got the address wrong as I was about to turn around.

I decided to check the phone again it say that they're here so he lying.

I forced myself inside of the place as Namjoon tried to stop me but that didn't work. as I called Taehyung and Jimin names, Namjoon tried covering his mouth.

Once Namjoon did we were both on top of each other as we both blushed and glaze. I got off of him was gonna go look for them when Namjoon grabbed my wrist backlashing me onto Namjoon.

I gets off of Namjoon as it was awkward between the two of us. " W-why did y-you touch me? As I could stop blinking at him, he replied " Sorry" slowly going back to being quiet again. " Ahem! I know that my friends are here so... Don't deny it, just hand them over and we won't have any problems" I demand them back.

" See I can't do that" itching the back of his head slowly telling me. " Why not? I was confident that I will find a way to get them back. " I'm not the boss and he's with someone right now..." he stops itching while letting out a heavy sigh.

" Then I'll go see him" I was about to turn around and walk off but Namjoon grabbed my wrist again pulling me back. " He's busy" I sighed as I see another person coming out of the basement and Taehyung.

Tae and I made contact as my eyes widened " You lie to me! I yelled at Namjoon as the guy that looks like a bunny took him away to a room. " Why are you here? Taehyung said all frustrated while he crossed his arms. " Jimin sends a message saying you guys were kidnapped," I said back with full of frustration as well.

" Hyung, you have to leave" Taehyung sounds worried to me but I'm more worried for them. They could have seriously hurt them or they already did? I got out my thoughts "No, Not without you and Jimin. I'm not going anywhere, you can't make me" I wasn't going anywhere without my babies.

Taehyung pleaded for me to leave he even started tearing up a bit. The other guys came back as the bunny guy said " We have to leave asap" I shook my no I can't leave Jimin here with a monster.

" Yeah, Before someone wakes up Namjoon was cut off by another voice that came behind us. We all turned around seeing I'm assuming the boss that looks like a cat. " Before who wakes up? His voice was cold.

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