『 12 』

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" Hi I'm Jimin- I was cut off by advisor Sam " I know, I take this company very serious so keep up" I mumbled underneath my breath" Noted" I was thinking maybe my advisor doesn't like me or... That he's very strict on this company. I sat down at my seat getting my stuff all organized. Few mins later, well I was done organizing my desk I kind of noticed my advisor was looking at me.

" Jimin"

" Huh? Do you need me to do something?"

" Could you transfer this script for me? I would do them but I to deal with this client. They all have to be done"

" Yeah, I'll do them" He hands over five different scripts and there all in different languages which is hard for me but it can't be that hard, right? Four mins later, I've had done three files just two more to go I sigh... As someone comes over to my advisor.

" Sam? Where the five scripts? Did you send them?"

" Yosung, I handed them over to Jimin" I look at him then back to the computer screen " Jimin, are you done?"

" I send three files over to you I just have to do the other two files..."

" Three files? He looked at his iPad then back at me as I gulped my saliva " I didn't get them"

" Jimin! What do you not understand?! We need those scripts today it was due?!!" Sam slammed his desk as everyone looked at me giving me disgusted faces.

" I know just give me more time"

" Fine! By the end of day" Yosung leaves while Sam looks at me

" Why even join this company? If you can't even handle the work" Slightly whisper from Sam but I still heard him. I was upset with myself that I got scolded on my first job here and I already feel like I should just quit now.

" Sorry...- Sam gets up and walks away while rolling his eyes. I continue working on this script it's now 9:03 PM and everyone has left the building. I hear a door closing I didn't look back.

" Why are you still here? I turning my desk chair around looking at my boss.

" Just working on the last two scripts" He nods as I look back at the computer screen he hunches over me just staring.

" You should take a break" " Nah... I can't" continue working until he puts his hand on my shoulder.

" Jimin"

" Mm? He turns my task chair towards him while he's leaning closer to me. Having a close up to his face, our lips almost touch my eyes widened as I blushed. " Don't overwork yourself, baby boy~"

Hope you all enjoy it, views

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