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Sarang was gradually succeeding in motivating Alia to set up her business again. In the daytime, he indirectly awakened her lost passion through his poems, while in the night, he kept reinforcing the fact that Alia is a capable woman as SuperHero 2.0. Alia wanted to meet him, but he kept postponing the meet. He wanted to reveal himself only when Alia was ready to become a businesswoman again.

And the day finally arrived. Alia got late for work as Aggu wasn't keeping well. She took him to the doctor, gave him a dose of medicines, and left him in the care of Nandini and Sunita.

"Oh, Ms Alia Shroff, late again for the meeting? Today, what happened to your son?, asked Jeevan sternly.

"He is unwell, so I had to take him to the doctor," said Alia.

"Oh, stop it, Alia, same old excuse. Remember, you aren't the DDS boss anymore to enter the office anytime," said Jeevan.

"Jeevan, you can't talk to Alia like that. She had texted everyone she would get late," said Veer, who tried to be a samaritan for Alia, irrespective of her repeatedly telling him not to do so.

"You may still be concerned for your ex-wife. But, this is my office, and I won't bend the rules for anyone," said Jeevan.

Sarang felt like smashing Jeevan's face but chose not to react as Alia may feel more uncomfortable. However, Alia was ready to give back to Jeevan. She took a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and gave it to Jeevan.

"What's this, Alia?" said Jeevan.

"My resignation. I don't wish to work for a firm with no women-friendly policies. Please accept it," said Alia.

"But, there is a one month notice period," said Jeevan.

"Don't worry, I will serve it," said Alia and stomped out of the meeting room.

Rosy, Rahul, Mala, and Sarang were extremely happy. Kavya was irked by Sarang's constant concern for Alia. On the other hand, Veer tried to stop her from leaving DDS, but Alia didn't budge. After office, Sarang went to Alia's house to spend time with Aggu. Kamleshwari and Sayuri were already there.

That night, after Sarang left, Alia messaged SuperHero 2.0

Hi. I finally resigned and am ready to set up a new business.

SuperHero 2.0: That's great. My efforts finally bore fruit.

ATM24/7:  Yes, you deserve 100% credit for making me believe in myself again.

SuperHero 2.0:  Great. Anyways, I was thinking, can we meet for dinner at 8 pm tomorrow? At Hotel Grand Central?

ATM24/7: Can I expect you to show up this time?

SuperHero 2.0: Yes, 100%.

ATM24/7: You know, I have been waiting to meet you in person. We share a special bond.

SuperHero 2.0: I agree, so let's catch up tomorrow. Take care. Good night.

ATM24/7: Sure. Good night, see you tomorrow.

Sarang was nervous about meeting Alia. "Hope you don't misunderstand me when I reveal myself as SuperHero 2.0. Nevertheless, I will express my feelings to you. God, please give me strength," Sarang told himself.

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