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Sarang, Alia, and Rabia rushed to Dr Rabia's maternity home. Rahul, Kamleshwari, and Nandini waited at Sarang's house to reveal their parents' truth to the kids. Aggu and Sayuri finally reached home. Aggu was excited to see his Nani, while Sayuri wondered why so many people were at her house.

"I want all records of Ms Alia Shroff right away," said Rabia to the receptionist.

Alia's delivery report mentioned that both her fraternal twins were alive. But, the girl baby was born with a weak heart valve. They all go to Dr Swati's cabin and ask her to reveal the truth.

Dr Swati started sweating. "No, I didn't do anything," she shouted.

"Fine. If you haven't done anything, why are you panting? Speak up, or I will call the police," threatened Rabia.

"We were bribed to lie about one baby's death to Sarang and Alia," said Dr Swati.

"We? Who all were with you in this crime?" questioned Rabia sternly.

"Two nurses and the ward boy. All of us became greedy. Please don't get us arrested. We have a family," pleaded Dr Swati.

"Ok. We may forgive you if you tell us who bribed you all?" said Alia.

"GAUTAM SHROFF," said one of the nurses.

Sarang and Alia were stunned. Rabia felt disgusted by Gautam's actions.

"You all are suspended right now, and I will ensure your medical license is cancelled, Dr Swati", said Rabia.

"Please don't do this," they all pleaded, but Rabia was firm on her decision.

Sarang and Alia barged into Gautam's mansion. Gautam was drinking and shocked to see them. Alia walked up to her dad and slapped him.

"Alia, you slapped your dad?" said Gautam.

"Yes, I did. You don't deserve to be a dad. You lied to us that one of our twins died. Why did you do this, dad?" screamed Alia.

"Because your business was already in doldrums. And you can't take care of it while taking care of a kid with a heart ailment. Plus, I wanted Sarang out of your life," said Gautam.

"Dad, my babies were my priority, not business. You never liked Sarang and my IVF decision. So you made such an evil plan," cried Alia.

"Yes, I never liked Sarang. Nor did he like you, Alia. So, we planned to separate you both. After your accident, I wanted to stop, but he continued to instigate me. This whole devious plan was his. I just did what he told me to do." said Gautam.

"Whom are you talking about?" asked Sarang angrily.

"Your father BRIJ MOHAN PANDEY," said Gautam.

"What? I won't spare my jallad bapu," said Sarang.

"I am sorry, Alia. Please forgive me," said Gautam.

"Forgiveness. Absolutely not, dad. I broke my ties with you long back, but now you are dead for me," said Alia and walked out of Gautam's house.

Alia and Sarangdhar were taken aback. Even in their dreams, they didn't think their fathers would cross all limits to separate them. But, both were eager to meet and hug their other child. They rushed back to Sarang's house.

Aggu and Sayuri were waiting for their parents. Nandini and Kamleshwari had disclosed the truth to the kids. Sarang hugged Aggu tightly while Alia lifted Sayuri in her arms and kissed her on the cheek. Even the kids were overwhelmed to find their missing parent. The family had finally united. Rahul, Nandini, and Kamleshwari were happy to see SarAlia with both their kids.

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