Lance's POV and New Character Introduction

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*A/N: There will be a new character introduced in this chapter. Grady is the she-wolf that Lance is using as a pretend mate to showcase to his mom. Her Character model will be uploaded at the end of this chap, so watch read on to see it!*

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I'd received a mind-link from Alpha Kain demanding I come to the gym, that something had happened to our mate. Thinking the worst, I told my mother and Grady – the girl who was portraying my mate- that the alpha needed me immediately.

Grady kept looking toward me on the drive back to the pack house. I guess she hadn't expected to leave my mom's house so suddenly when we were supposed to be having dinner with her and Johan.

My mother had seemed worried about my abrupt departure but did not ask any questions. She assumed it had to do with the pack and when an alpha commands you, it must be an emergency. While, this was a sort of emergency, it was a far-cry from the sort of crisis she probably thought it was.

Upon arriving at the gym, I noticed most of the guardians sent by the council were lined up outside the building, arms behind their backs, legs spread like a disciplined soldier. None of them acknowledged my presence when I arrived with Grady trailing behind me like a lost puppy. They all continued to stare straight forward with empty eyes. But something was off. I counted eleven of them when I was pretty sure my mom said they'd sent twelve.

Maybe they already chose a guardian for our mate? My wolf, Loki, offered the suggestion that our mate had already chosen a guardian and was simply getting to know them. But deep down, I knew something was wrong. Besides, anyone that knows what a guardian is capable of doesn't want to get to know them; they want to stay far away from them.

When I saw Alpha Kain near the side exit of the gym, I started his way, but stopped shortly after when his eyes fell to Grady who had not left yet. I turned to her and tried my best to be nice and kind so she wouldn't turn against me; but I needed her to leave, or at least get out of earshot of our conversation.

"Grady, I love having your company but whatever the alpha wants to tell me is probably classified. So, I'm going to need you to make yourself sparse."

She frowned for a moment, then sighed and nodded in understanding. But before bounding away like a teenager, she stood on her tiptoes and leaned in to press a kiss to my cheek. Loki felt instantly disgusted. He didn't want anyone else's lips on us besides our mate. Nobody else could possibly compare anyway. She was top tier in our minds.

I slowly turned to face Alpha Kain who had both eyebrows raised at me in a questioning expression. I just shook my head and made my way toward him with my face turned toward the ground. I didn't want to talk about the shame that rose in my gut at the thought of another woman's lips on me. I'll need some serious one-on-one time with Addie after that.

"So, Alpha, what's the emergency?"

Fortunately, he didn't bring up the topic of Grady and just held up one finger before cracking open the door to his left. He gestured for me to look inside and when I did, I saw Addie with another woman. A guardian, I assumed. Though, the two looked too cozy for her to be a guardian. I watched as Addie raised her hand to touch the taller woman's face and spoke to her softly. Confusion rattled my brain as I tried to grasp what was happening when Alpha Kain closed the door quietly.

"What is happening in there?"

I looked up to his irritated face and saw defeat in his eyes. "It appears there's another added to the harem."

"A guardian?! How is that even possible?"

"I think we need to start thinking of a new definition of the word impossible. She seems to be breaking every boundary of what we thought of as impossible."

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