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Super steamy chap! Get your big girl(or whatever you identify as) panties on and get prepared to take them off by the time this is over!*

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"Okay, tell me what you know about the Lycan council." Kain had stuck me in his room and stayed with me while I studied the last of the werewolf history books he assigned to me.

"Is this really necessary? You just saw me read the whole thing."

"You do want to lead this pack with me, don't you?" His question was accusing, an attempt at getting a rise out of me. But I could see in his eyes the uncertainty and the pleading.

"Of course, I do." Four simple words and the emotions in his eyes turned into something else, something that was more difficult to read.

"What do you know about the Lycan Council?"

I sighed and gave in, "The council is composed of three tiers. The Elder tier that consists of the elders, their secondaries, and their personal guardians. The second tier is the guardian army and then there's us at the very bottom. How exciting."

"You don't like the idea of holding the position you were destined for? Maybe you'd rather be part of the guardian army." His tone grew colder, and I knew I pissed him off with my lack of enthusiasm. "Do you know what it's like being around those guardians, Rhea? They have no emotion, they are incapable of finding mates, they have little to no humanity. They don't even have human names; they go by the names of their wolves because that is all they know."

"Alright, calm down. I'm sorry I don't seem as excited about being at the bottom as I should be. I'll try harder next time."

He sat down across from me on the bed and pushed the stack of books off to the side. "Maybe you weren't destined for this. Maybe it's just been wishful thinking on my part that I'd finally get someone to lead with me."

"No, I want to lead with you. I do. I want to do it for you. I just need more time to adjust. Everything is very confusing right now."

"You shouldn't have to do it for me. It should just come natural for you. Maybe we've been going about this all wrong. You aren't just a wolf, maybe your destiny is with someone from the demon side, causing wreckage and taking the world by storm with someone like Dynniran."

"You don't really think that. We already know who I belong with. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a harem of men willing to die for my safety. It's not just about me or just about you or Din or even Lance. It's about all of us as a whole." Frustration was still rolling off of him in waves and I couldn't figure out how I could take some of this pressure off of his shoulders.

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"I don't care how you do it, Lance, but you need to figure out a solution to the problem you've caused. Your mother is threatening me with the telling the council about her and you better hope the goddess is in your corner because if anything happens to her, I'll be on your ass faster than you can ask for forgiveness."

I'd never seen Kain so furious before. He rose from his chair mid-sentence and was mere inches from Lance's face on the verge of shifting. I lifted my hands to his bicep and pulled him back down next to me, watching some of the tension leave his body as he did.

He turned to me with accusing eyes, "You can't do that when I'm in the middle of taking care of things, Rhea. If you're going to be Luna, you have to get used to difficult situations that require difficult confrontations."

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