Lance's POV and TWO new Character Introductions

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*A/N: Two new characters will be introduced in this chapter (a third is mentioned but not in this particular scene, Lance's father, who will NOT be pictured at the end of this chapter)

The two new characters are Lance's mother, Olivia and her boyfriend, Johan. Pictures will be uploaded at the very bottom of this document! Keep scrolling to see!*

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I felt like I was being played. There was no other way to describe it. My mate had already marked two others before even found her. It just wasn't possible, there was no record of any wolf having more than one mate before. I'd even asked my mother if she had heard of any such thing happening. Of course, that had made her curious and I had to tell her I'd found my mate. She was excited for me but at the same time, she looked scared, like she knew something that she nobody else did.

And she probably did with her position on the Lycan Council. They knew everything about all the wolves that have ever existed. I intentionally left out the part about Alpha Kain's past out of respect for him as my superior. I wasn't sure if he wanted them to know about the other wolf in his head, that could be grounds for termination.

"Can I meet her?" My mother, who was fixing her hair in the mirror at the time, spoke gingerly which seemed suspicious to me.

She was my mother and I loved her, but she was also part of the Lycan Council that judged and handed out verdict to those they thought were breaking rules. They also kept a lot of secrets, so I would be keeping my mate a secret from her. For now, at least, until I can be sure she means her no harm.

I pretended to be lost in thought for a moment before, answering her question, "I don't know, she's very busy right now. I'll have to ask her and see if she has time."

She looked at me strangely, as if she did not recognize her own son. I just shrugged it off, my mate was actually busy. She had two other mates to tend to as well as learning the way of a Luna. Alpha Kain still wants her to lead the pack with him, even though he could not introduce her to anyone yet; he's given her books to study from and has been training with her, so she knew how to fight. But if you ask me, she can fight pretty well on her own. I made a mental note to ask her about her skills when I got a moment alone with her.

"Olivia?" My mother's new boyfriend stepped into the bedroom they shared just as our conversation came to an end. "There you are. I should have known you'd be in front of a mirror somewhere. Don't you know you can't get any more perfect than you already are?"

I made a gagging noise as he approached her and pressed his lips against hers in a way that was way too steamy to be in front of your child. Johan looked over at me, feigning shock. "Oh, hey, Lance, didn't see you there."

"Yes, you did. I am literally sitting right next to my mom. There is no way you could have missed me."

"Speaking of missing you, I am so glad you finally decided to visit. Your mother has been telling me how much she misses talking with you all the time. Unfortunately, though, this was kind of a bad time. We are actually leaving for a funeral."

I looked at my mom's face, disbelief evident in my eyes, "A funeral? Who died?"

"One of Johan's cousins was attacked last week by some kind of vicious creature. His body was torn to pieces, almost unidentifiable."

"Oh goddess. That's horrible."

My mother, seemingly distracted from my mate, nodded with sad eyes, and stood up. Turning to Johan, she placed her hands on either side of his face and pressed her lips to his in a sweet but simple kiss; much more appropriate, in my opinion.

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