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I stared at the closed door that Ari had just disappeared behind in amazement. I had no idea she knew how to fight or that she had a violent streak. I found my eyes moving to the wolf on the other side of the room and once we heard the shower running, he looked to me as well.

With a deep breath and what seemed like a lot of self-control, he spoke to me like I was a real person for the first time. "Are you well enough to move?" I nodded, not sure if I should say anything that may flip his angry switch back on. He nodded in return, "I'll have a room prepared for you."

"A room? You want me to stay here?"

"Would you rather risk leaving the pack house with several hundred wolves just outside?"

"You make a good point. But how do I know you won't try to kill me in my sleep?"

He just stared at me blankly for a moment before letting his face drop and he ran a hand through his hair. "You just saved my mate from what could have possibly been her death and it was my fault. I am in your debt now." Did he really just say that? Wolves are dangerous but they are all about loyalty and when they openly say they're indebted to you, there is nothing more serious. "And frankly, I just want you out of my fucking bed."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It wasn't even five minutes after I'd been led to my room and the door had been shut that it was reopening again. I spun around and came face to face with my beautiful Ari. But she still looked angry, and I silently hoped it wasn't with me.

"There is no way I am sleeping with him tonight. You don't mind, do you?" Her eyes drifted to the bed behind me.

I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face, "Not at all."

Her smile reflected mine as she brushed past me and jumped onto the bed. I pushed the door closed but not before catching a glimpse of Kain standing down the hall outside of the open door that led to his room. He looked pained but said nothing; it made me feel a little bad for him, but he had earned his suffering. I shook my head and closed the door then turned to my daunting little mate.

"So, that was something, huh? Where'd you learn to fight like that?" I pushed the blanket down and sat next to her as she scrolled down her social media on her phone. "I thought you said you left your phone at the motel."

She smirked, "I did. Turns out he grabbed it before coming after me and just didn't tell me." She sighed and shut the screen off. "I've been a rogue since I was fifteen, fighting was one of the first things I had to learn to defend myself."

"Fifteen? Really? Can you tell me what happened?" I spoke cautiously, as if I was speaking to a child. I didn't want to upset her or set off some sort of trauma defense.

She shook her head, looking every bit as tired as I felt. "Can we just sleep?"

I gave her an understanding smile, "Sure."

She pressed her lips to mine and I felt the flames of desire building in the pit of my stomach. Every time the little temptress touched me, my body burned for more. I coaxed her lips to part to deepen the kiss and she moaned in response.

"Din," it was a warning, I knew it, but I needed just a little more to extinguish the flames.

I allowed myself only a moment more before forcing myself to pull away and reaching for the lamp on the bedside table.

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