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Three mates? My mate now has two other mates? Kage was raging inside of me, ready to burst out at any second. My own fucking gamma? It felt like a betrayal, even though neither of them had chosen for it to happen.

"What happened last night?" Poor Lance was on edge, and I could see it. I could only imagine how I'd feel if I'd found my mate was already mated with my alpha. He's trying to be as respectful as he can, but his wolf was crying for his mate as well. Rhea must have noticed it too because she stood from my lap and went to him.

I want to preface this by first saying, I had never thought of being the kind of guy who liked to share. Shit, the thought of my mate with someone else had Kage ready to start tearing heads off. But with the men in her harem, it didn't seem to bother us as much. In fact, watching my mate swim in ecstasy was sort of a turn-on for me. Anything that pleased her pleased me as well.

So, when her and Lance started fooling around, I could feel her influence hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe that's what it was, her sexual energy affecting me in a way that made it easier to see her with other men. I wasn't sure how I felt about it but with nothing that could be done about it, I decided that conceding submission would be my best option. I didn't want to fight with her about it, I didn't want to fight with her at all.

I wanted to be with her and have her want me the way I wanted her. It was a desire that I couldn't explain but I'm sure many wolves before me had felt the same way. I could feel Lance's desire for her radiating from him as I watched her sink her canines into his waiting flesh. Then, I felt it: another link added to our circle. We weren't all mated to each other, but I could tell who was in my mate's harem from the trace link she left with each of us. It was like a spider web, and we were all at different ends holding it together with her in the middle.

I didn't mind her having the other men, Kage on the other hand, was furious and having great difficulty accepting that he couldn't be the only one. He was angry that he could not be enough for her on his own. While watching the two of them together, he kept butting his head in, trying to convince me to make them stop, but even his insistence could not bring me to rain down on my mate's parade. If it made her happy, I was more than fine with it.

It was the phone call she got that put a damper on my mood. I knew it was only a matter of time before I would have to come clean about what I knew. But I didn't want her hearing it from someone else. Her friend, the one she called 'El', only knew a twisted version of the real-life prophecy that we were currently living with.

"The story she told is one that fae parents told their children to instill a fear in them of wolves and vampires. That is where the rumor started, and many people still believe that your kind and wolves were mortal enemies. The version that she told is only partially true. The goddess did favor one woman over all the rest of the creatures she made, and it did anger the one man who craved her attention the most. But what she was missing in her tale was where the jealous man split his soul in half and dropped it into the lake as an offering to the goddess to plead that she choose him instead."

I didn't look at either of them as I continued the story; I didn't want them, more specifically Rhea, reading the hurt in my eyes or the meaning behind my words until I was ready to speak them myself.

"The goddess ignored his offering and left the torn soul to float in the river. The man was so heartbroken that when the vampire approached him with the idea of creating such a desirable being, he turned him down and asked him to kill him instead." The sound of Rhea gasping in shock is what had my attention temporarily suspended.

"Anyway, years after the man was killed by the vampire, a pregnant wolf on the verge of giving birth is abandoned by her supposed mate on the side of the road. The baby is born that same night and she does it all on her own, even cleans the baby in the river nearby before passing out from exhaustion. After a few days of hunger and searching, she seeks refuge with our pack and is shocked to find that she has another mate here, the alpha. He takes them in and treats the baby as his own child, even giving him the title of alpha when it was discovered he could not have kids of his own." I kept my eyes locked on hers as I said the last part of the story. "But neither of them knew the child had picked up something in the river his mother cleaned him in. The torn soul from the jealous wolf attached itself to the baby and he's had to live with it since."

Her eyes filled with tears, and I willed her not to cry for me, for I could tell she saw through my words and the emotion in my eyes that this story was more to me than just some old tale parents told their kids.

"It was you. You were the baby? That's who I heard in your head."

Let me out, pup. I want to speak with her.

I shook off the voice in my head and focused on my mate who was exuding waves of emotion so strong it was hard to breathe.

"Rhea, reel it in please. It's not as bad as it seems. I've got it under control."

Like hell you do. Silver will only keep me locked up for so long.

I reached out to her and wiped the tears from her face before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Don't cry for me. It's not as bad as you think."

Her watery eyes searched mine before saying, "He thinks I'm his mate too. I heard him say it."

I frowned, "He has a connection with my wolf, just like I do so anything I feel, he feels too. In a way, you kind of are. But its nothing you need to worry about, he can't get out. He's trapped behind silver bars."

Her hand reached for the bracelet on my wrist and her face twisted in pain as she spun it around with her fingers. The silver left singe marks on her fingertips, making me pull away.

"So, what does Addie have to do with any of that? Nothing about that story tells us how to protect her or what she needs protecting from." If I didn't admire his intentions to keep our mate safe, I would have scolded Lance for showing disrespect to his alpha.

"I'm still not sure how exactly she plays a role, but it can't be coincidence that the vampire from the prophecy said a combination of her two species could attract the attention of the goddess." I looked back to her with one last thing I needed to say. "The last part of the prophecy hints at how you could be involved, but it doesn't go into much detail."

"What does it say?"

"Once the cursed Alpha found his mate, down would come the monster creator."

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