Kain's POV and New Character Introductions

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*A/N: Yes, you read that correctly: "introductions". Plural form. There are two new characters being brought in here, but they don't have a super big role. YET. Lance is Alpha Kain's Gamma and Dennis is his Delta. As per usual, I will be posting their models at the end of this extra steamy chapter. 

'Oh, Kain, what's happening to you?' ;)*

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"Alpha, may I speak with you privately?" I had just adjourned a meeting amongst our higher ranked wolves: my beta, Jonas, my gamma, Lance and my delta, Dennis. They were all about to exit my office when Jonas had approached me as I gathered paperwork to put away.

I looked up to him and nodded to the others to dismiss them, meanwhile shoving a stack of papers into my desk drawer. "What can I do for you, Jonas? I kind of have somewhere to be."

Somewhere to be. The dark voice laughed humorlessly. You mean someone to be in?

I shook off the condescending prick and tried to focus on my beta. But he was kind of right, I would be going to see Rhea after that meeting; it had been three days since I had seen her, and Kage had been antsy without his mate, I'd nearly shifted during that meeting just thinking about hearing her voice again. I had promised to tell her about what she was. I had been avoiding bringing it up because I didn't want to tell her the whole truth – the part about me, the part where us as a couple could potentially be disastrous.

"Well, Alpha, the thing I need to talk to you about is actually probably where you're headed to now." My hard gaze landed on him, and I could feel the anger in my chest. If I thought it was hard to hold my wolf back during the meeting, I had been so, so wrong compared to when Jonas talked about my mate.

"What concern do you have with my woman, Beta?" The voice that left my mouth was not mine, but Kage using my lips to speak. I could tell by the look on Jonas's face my eyes had turned black; I could also feel my wolf pushing through, I was just barely holding onto him as if his leash was nothing but a thread.

"Well, Alpha, the thing is I have been hearing some others, some unmated wolves, saying that they can smell a new female. They can tell she is in heat, and it is only a matter of time before they find her." He stopped to see how I handled that information before continuing. "I know this is a touchy subject for you, but her scent is something I have never experienced before. Even I find myself fighting against Hunter for dominance if we are in the pack house." He raised his hand to show a silver bracelet, like my own, "I have resulted to wearing silver, so I am not a danger. But these other males may become an issue."

Kage was fuming. There was no other way to explain his emotions. He was at the surface and fighting against the silver again. My skin burned and his anger just kept rising. I closed my eyes to calm him down, taking deep breaths and reasoning with him, reminding him Rhea is in our home and could not be protected better than she is.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I suppose I will have to do something about it." I gestured for him to leave the room and followed him out to lock my office door. I didn't stay any longer to speak with him, I needed to see my mate. At this point, she would be the only thing to calm down the frantic canine seething in my head.

I pulled the key from my pocket as I approached her room and took another deep breath. The breath I took, I had to hold in and even contemplated on turning around to return to my office. Jonas had been right about her scent and now being so close to her again, I was nearly brought to my knees. Being in the same room as her and restraining myself would be hell.

I let out the breath I was holding in and tried to focus on what I had to say. I needed to be prepared for what may lay beyond the door. Nothing scared a male wolf like his furious mate, especially when it's him she's mad at. I pushed the door open, and her angry eyes were already staring in my direction. But even though she was staring holes into my head, it was better than not being able to see her at all.

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