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Post-coital conversations were never my strong suit. Throughout all my life, every person I influenced and slept with, they always left before I'd even get a chance to say 'goodbye' or 'nice fuckin you'. It was what I was used to. But the little siren got under my skin the morning that she woke up next to me in my bed.

This, however, could not be further from the experience I had with my mate's other two mates. This experience, vastly different as it was, was the most awkward situation I can ever remember being in. Any dick that I'd ever seen close-up was either going in my mouth or my ass, then I'd wave goodbye and never see that person again, in most cases. I had seen two new dicks that day and not only did I actually know these men, but I also had to live with them and see them every day.

And share my woman with them!

It's like seeing your ex-girlfriend's other ex and saying, 'Hey we've been in the same woman, you want to be friends?'

The three of us were all sitting in the living room area after Kain brought her to the bedroom; he was now seated on the couch, one leg propped up across the other seats, a beer in his hand. Lance was across from him in the recliner, sitting in a similar position with one leg on the ottoman also drinking a beer.

"I didn't think it was considered 'bro-time' to hang out after having a near-orgy." Both pairs of eyes shot to me on the floor. The two wolves wore mirroring expressions of disgust and awkwardness.

I told you I wasn't good at this.

Kain, being the first one to look away, dropped his head to the arm of the couch behind him with an arm over his eyes. "Don't even go there, man. I'm tired as shit." The hand holding his beer raised and he pointed at me with his forefinger, "And this is my house. I'll be wherever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want."

I raised my hands in innocence, even though he couldn't see the action. "Got it."

"So, that's all it takes to wear you out? One fuck?" Lance was laughing, almost hysterically, in his seat. "You bust your ass training and not break one sweat, but fuck once and that's it for you?"

Kain sat up in his spot, quicker than I'd ever seen the man before, and much faster than I'd imagine a man his size could move. His gaze was locked on Lance, anger so palpable you could almost see it, exuded from him and it had me wondering if I was safe being in the room at that moment.

"I would suggest you refrain from joking around about the man that has been working his ass off trying to fix a problem that you caused. Not to mention every other problem that has risen since that damn temptress walked into my life." By the end of his mini rant, he had calmed back down and rested against the back of the couch. He lifted his arms and his sides, "And if all else fails, at least show some respect to your alpha."

"Sorry, Alpha. I didn't mean anything by it."

Kain's eyes remained on Lance for another second before shaking his head and lifting the beer bottle to his lips. "I've been training with her five days out of the week on top of everyday training with the warriors. I'm fucking drained."

"She makes you work, huh?"

"She's fucking fast... She's really good too. Probably didn't even need my training." His mouth turned down in a frown and worry lines shown on his forehead. "How long has she been running from this Lane guy?"

"She told me once that she'd been a rouge since she was fifteen and that's when she learned how to fight." The memory of that night was still fresh in my mind. It was the first night I slept at the pack house, and she slept in the bed with me. I remember feeling a little safer with her with me, to be honest. As weak as that may make me sound, having my mate next to me while being surrounded by a whole pack full of my natural enemy, it definitely made it easier to sleep.

"Fifteen? Why so young? Where were her parents?"

"I don't know but she seemed really scared of him. Whatever he did to her, it can't be anything good." The room went silent after I said this; all three of us were probably thinking the same thing. A million different ways to kill the fucker that frightened her that way.

"Hey, what was that with your eyes?" The question slipped from my lips before I could even stop the thought from forming.

Kain peeked at me from under his arm that was thrown over his eyes once again. This was obviously a subject he didn't want to stir up. "It's genetic."

"A genetic trait that turns your eyes black? Did you get it from your da-?" I stopped speaking when I found him glaring at me, as if his look alone could crush my windpipe.

"I only let you stay here because my mate requires it. Do not be fooled into thinking that means we can be friends and share secrets, demon."

"Right. Got it. Sorry, I won't ask anymore questions." I stood from my spot on the floor and disposed of the wine bottle in the kitchen garbage before turning back to the guys. "I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow."

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

*A/N: There's nothing better than hanging out with the guys after all of you just fucked the same girl. Just some typical male-bonding time. Man-to-man 'bro-time', if you will.

Fucking Din is so cringey and awkward and I love him for it!

Keep reading for more of that good good.*

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