Dynniran's POV and new Character Introduction

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*A/N: A new character is going to be introduced in this chapter and as promised, a model to base her appearance off of as well. Molly is Din's sister and a witch. Her character is based off of actress, Anya Taylor-Joy. I will be posting her photos at the end of this chapter so as to not take too much time in getting into the story again.*

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I knew there was something off with that she devil. I sensed something about her the moment she walked into my club. Well, it wasn't really my club but one that I frequented to scope out for prey. I watched her eye the crowd, looking very bored with everyone. She was picky, that was for sure. There were many humans that approached her that I would have left with but she casted them away like they weren't good enough for her.

That is, until the wolf entered and graced us all with his presence. He had her attention within seconds. I couldn't believe it; she had a death wish. I watched as she made her way to his table but not wanting to witness her death, I had to intervene. She seemed annoyed. As my skin touched hers, I could feel something off about her. I knew I had felt something different about her but actually feeling it was something else entirely.

I wonder what she feels like in bed. I need to feel that power.

"You wanna get out of here?"

It didn't take much to get her to leave with me. It was the least I could do, I had let her meal get away after all.

What I did not expect was for her to completely lose it with me. She let herself go entirely and I watched in awe as her body shook with power above me, dripping into my skin as it left her body. I don't even think she knew what she was doing, but I wasn't going to stop her; it was unlike anything I had ever felt, and I didn't want it to end. It was like ecstasy. And the sex, I could not even explain it. She was addicting which explained why her ex-boyfriend wouldn't leave her alone. The poor guy still reeked of her influence.

I rubbed the dark blue mark on my neck when I felt it tingle. In the next second, I was engulfed in an orgasmic sensation and couldn't stop my knees from hitting the floor.

"Shit. What the hell are you doing, Ari?" The feeling left seconds later leaving me feeling rather lonely. I missed her. "This fucking mark is going to be the death of me."

I went to the kitchen to get a drink when a knock sounded at my door. A peek through the peephole told me it was my sister, Molly. The light-haired sea witch, reached for the doorknob but I pulled it open before she could.

"When were you planning on showing up to the clan meeting? You are twenty minutes late and not answering your phone. Holy shit, is that a mating mark?"

My hand reached up to cover it stupidly, she'd already seen it. It was hard not to notice it.

"A wolf mark? Din! Are you crazy?"

I shook my head, "You wouldn't understand. I'm not sure I even understand entirely." I let my body fall onto the couch behind me and covered my face with a nearby pillow.

"Is this why you didn't show up today? You didn't want people to know you'd been marked by a wolf?"

"Surprisingly, no. I want everyone to know. I'm damn proud to wear the mark but nobody else would see it the way I do. I don't want to put her in danger."

She scoffed and tossed another pillow at me, "She's a wolf, I'm sure she can handle herself." She sat across from me on the little loveseat and sighed, "Shit, she probably murders people for fun."

I tossed the pillow back at her, "Hey! That's my mate you're talking about! And she isn't like that so don't stereotype her when you've never even met her."

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