"Well, with the help of my roommates who encouraged me to get drunk every night and forget about her; I'm surprisingly feeling much better. I don't hate her, I know she had to do what was best for her and I want her to be happy, so I don't know, maybe we could be friends soon."

I sighed, "I hope so. I miss hanging out as a group. We made a good team."

Ace nodded, "Yeah, we did."

After a few moments of silence, Ace turned his stereo up and 'The Smashing Pumpkins' began blaring into my ears. Ace drummed dramatically on his steering wheel and drove at least 10 miles over the speed limit the entire way, so we arrived pretty quickly.

It was a grungy, little bar but it didn't seem too sketchy. We stepped in and I of course, had to get a wrist band because I was under 21. Ace was 22, so he promised to buy me a drink anyways.

The bar had a rocker vibe to it and played rock music which I liked. I had been in far too many clubs that played that annoying, repetitive electronic music.

Wooden tables were scattered about the room, two pool tables were at the far end of the room and a long bar stood at the center of it all on the right hand side. There only appeared to be two other girls here besides me, the rest were guys whom were blatantly checking out Ace as he walked in. But Ace paid them no attention and set down on a bar stool.

I set down next to him and Ace ordered two shots of tequila and slipped one to me when the bartender wasn't looking. We downed are shots quickly and then turned around on our bar stools to inspect the crowd.

I asked, "So do you have a particular type of guy that you're interested in?"

Ace flicked his brown hair out of his eyes, "Not really. I like them short, I like them tall. I like them skinny, I like them muscular. I like them cocky and I like them shy. I'm into anything really."

I nodded. Well, then this shouldn't be too hard, right? Wrong.

Every guy I picked out, Ace presumably found a flaw. Whether it be- his ears are weird or his tattoos are poorly done or he has some acne or his fashion sense is horrid.

After 30 minutes, I was about to give up when Ace finally let out a small gasp, "Him."

I looked over at Ace to see whom he was looking at. His gaze fell upon quite the hottie, I must admit. He looked strangely similar to Ace. They were both tall and skinny. They both were wearing v-necks and leather jackets. They both had amazing, tousled hair.

This guy was about 6'0" with dirty blonde hair and a killer smile. He was playing pool with two guys whom he appeared to be close with, but he didn't look like he was dating one of them.

I smiled, "Alright, sweet. Go over and talk to him."

Ace looked flabbergasted, "I can't just go over there while he's with his friends. That'd be so awkward. Plus, I mean, he's totally out of my league, isn't he?"

I scoffed, "Oh my god, no, Ace. You're both hard 10's."

Ace began biting his nails which was a bad habit of his. He mumbled, "Will you go over there and be my wing-woman? I can't go over there, I'm too nervous."

I sighed but stood up, "Fine."

Ace bit his bottom lip, "Don't say anything stupid, okay?"

I lightly slapped his arm, "Oh shut up, I got this. Watch and learn."

I casually walked up to the pool table where the three guys were laughing and drinking beer. I cleared my throat, "Hey."

They immediately stopped talking and looked over at me. One of the guys with a skinny figure and dark hair smiled, "Hi. Wow, I love your winged eyeliner. Totally on point." He walked up closer to my face to admire my makeup.

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