Chapter 25- The Comforting Conclusion

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Y/n's POV:

I heard the sound of the door clicking shut, and looked up from my lunch. Mom was gone, but I could faintly hear sounds of a conversation outside. There were three voices, but I only clearly recognized two of them. I heard Mom, Jacques, and some boy, but the boy's voice sounded vaguely familiar too.

I got up from the table and tiptoed to the door, trying to make as little noise as possible so I could eavesdrop. I had brought my glass cup with me, and I quickly gulped the last of my soda before pressing the cup to the door and my ear to the cup. Now I could hear everything clearly.

"Is Sabine awake?" Jacques asked.

There was a slight creak of a car door, before the boy replied, "No, she's still out."

"Who's Sabine?" Mom asked.

"Sh-she's my.... uh.... m-my girlfriend," the boy stammered awkwardly.

Jacques chuckled. "Yes, apparently Quigley was not the only one in the mountains, as we originally thought," he said. "She was passed out when I got there, and she slept the whole car ride back."

"Well, she did almost drown in the Stricken Stream," the boy said, his voice shaking. "We were trying to find somewhere to hide from those eagles, and she tripped and fell. I barely got her out in time."

"She fell into the rapids of the stream," Jacques clarified. "But I think she's okay now, just worn out."

"Should we take her to a doctor?" Mom asked.

"If she doesn't wake up soon, we might," Jacques replied. "But she doesn't seem to have trouble breathing, and nothing looks broken."

"Well, that's good, at least," Mom said.

"Yeah," Jacques replied.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" someone asked from behind me. I jumped and nearly dropped the cup I was holding, but managed to catch it before it could shatter against the tile floors.

"Shh," I hissed, and glanced over my shoulder to see Duncan looking at me curiously. "I'm trying to eavesdrop."

"Why?" he asked, but kept his voice to a whisper.

"Because someone is here," I said. "Do you know anyone named Sabine?"

"You mean from Star Wars?" he replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Sabine from Star Wars is outside our house," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I crept over to the window, while Duncan whined that I was always mean to him.

I shushed him again and peeked out of the blinds, trying to be inconspicuous. I saw Mom and Jacques and Duncan standing by Jacques' taxi.

"Wait..." I muttered, and looked behind me. Duncan was there. I looked out the window again, and he was outside too, but in a winter coat. "What the hell?" I whispered.

"Language!" Duncan said, (the one inside), and smacked my arm.

"Sorry," I said, shaking my head.

"What is so important that you felt the need to curse?" he asked.

I snorted a laugh. "You sound like my grandma," I said.

He smacked my arm again. "Shut up," he said, coming to stand next to me and peer out the window. "What are you cussing at?"

I pointed to the boy outside who looked identical to him, and Duncan gasped. "Holy crap!" he exclaimed loudly.

"See?" I said, but Duncan was already rushing back to the kitchen, yelling for Isadora. He came back a minute later, his sister in tow.

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