Chapter 23- A Backwards Hotel

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Violet's POV: 

We climbed out of Mr. Poe's tiny car, and Klaus picked up Sunny. Mr. Poe started walking towards the very tall building with an odd, backward sign that read TNEMEUONED LETOH, so we followed him, not knowing what else to do. 

"Huh?" Sunny asked, trying to read the sign. 

"It's backwards up there...." Klaus mumbled, gazing up at the sign. He looked down at the large pond by the building and then smiled. "It's backwards up there so that it reflects normally in the pond," he finished. 

I looked down at the pond too, and nodded now that I could see the sign clearly. "Hotel Denouement," I read out loud. "I wonder why they engineered the hotel so strangely. The building is even tilted so that it clearly reflects in the water."

Klaus chuckled. "It sounds like something Dad would think up when he was in one of his whimsical moods," he said. "A backwards hotel." 

Sunny giggled and nodded her agreement. "Papa silly," she said. 

I smiled at my younger siblings, and we walked into the hotel with Mr. Poe, who was rambling something about being late for work. "Alright, children," he said, turning to us as we stood in the large, empty lobby. "Let's find Ms. Snicket, and then I have to go back to the bank." 

"Kit Snicket, at your service," said a voice from behind us. 

Mr. Poe shrieked in alarm and then broke into a coughing fit, covering his mouth with his handkerchief. Klaus and I just turned around, and saw a woman with short brown hair and a leather jacket that semi-hid the pregnant bulge of her stomach. 

"Pleasure to meet you," she said, sticking her hand out to me. I smiled in confusion and shook it. 

"N-nice to meet you," I said nervously. She seemed friendly, but after being put with so many bad guardians in the past, I was skeptical of pretty much every adult I met. 

She smiled at me and put one hand on my shoulder and one on Klaus's. "You're safe now, Baudelaires," she whispered to us. "The world is quiet here." 

Mr. Poe had finally finished coughing by then, and wiped his mouth before putting his handkerchief back in his pocket. "Ah, Ms. Snicket, good to see you again," he said. 

She nodded politely. "Mr. Poe, nice to see you," she replied. "Thank you for bringing the Baudelaires, but I'm afraid we do have to rush away now. There's lots of work to be done, and lots of questions to answer." 

"Yes. Good, good," Mr. Poe said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Well, I must be off too. The banking day begun hours ago, and I really need to get back to my office." He pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to Kit. "Call me at Mulctuary Money Management if you need anything," he said. 

Kit forced a smile, like she was sick of Poe already. Honestly, so was I.  "I will, Mr. Poe," she said. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome," Poe replied cheerily. "Goodbye children." 

"Good riddance. Hopefully for the last time," Sunny said. I held my breath, thankful for once that no one could really understand Sunny except for me and Klaus. To anyone else, it just sounded like Sunny said "Abdaka." 

"Yes, goodbye, Sunny," Mr. Poe cooed, patting Sunny's head. 

She growled a little and tried to bite him, so Klaus had to put his hand over her mouth until Poe left. Sunny shrieked her disapproval at the fact that she wasn't allowed to bite Mr. Poe, and bit Klaus's hand instead.

"Ow!" he mumbled, and drew his hand away, setting Sunny on floor. 

"Karma," was all Sunny said in response. 

Kit laughed, seemingly understanding what Sunny meant. "Oh, be nice to your brother, Sunny," she said lightly. "You are just as stubborn as your mother was." 

Sunny smiled proudly at that, showing off her sharp teeth. Klaus rolled his eyes, but also smiled a little. They both seemed comfortable with Kit already, so I relaxed too, hoping I wasn't making the wrong decision. 

"It's lovely to see you three again," Kit said. "You probably don't remember me, but I did meet you when you were younger." 

"Really?" Sunny asked. 

"Well, I mostly just saw pictures of you, Sunny. But yes," Kit said. 

"Did you know our parents?" Klaus asked. 

"I did," Kit replied. "We were close friends when we were your age." 

"How did you meet them?" I asked. 

"Why did they hide V.F.D from us?" Klaus added. 

"What V.F.D mean?" Sunny babbled. 

Kit smiled again. "I admire your curiosity, Baudelaires," she said. "And I have the answers to all of your questions. Just follow me." She started to walk towards an elevator, and we all rushed behind her. 

Isadora's POV: 

Y/n, Duncan, and I collapsed onto the pillow and blanket littered floor with laughter. We had only been at Y/n's house for an hour or two, but we were already having loads of fun. I was close to tears at the time, both from laughing so hard and from the fact that for the first time in a long time, I felt truly safe and happy. 

Olivia walked into the room, and smiled in confusion at the three of us. "What in the world happened here?" she asked with a small laugh. 

Y/n and Duncan were still laughing their heads off, so I answered as best as I could between giggles. "It... It started as building a... pillow fort, but then it turned... into a pillow war... so yeah..." I said. 

Olivia smiled again and shook her head. "Well I made lunch, if you guys are hungry," she replied. 

Duncan calmed down enough to speak at the mention of food. "That sounds good," he said. "I'm starving." 

"Me too," I agreed. 

Y/n held her breath to stop the laughter, and forced herself to sit up, nodding her agreement. She managed to calm down, then looked around a little. "Hey, where's Jacques?" she asked. 

Olivia smiled mischievously. "Somewhere," she said vaguely.  "He'll be back soon." 

"Okay...." Y/n drawled, eyeing her mom in suspicion. 

"Well, come eat," Olivia said, changing the subject. 

Y/n glanced at me with a look that said, "Is it just me or is Mom being super weird?"

I sent her a "No, she's definitely acting strange" look in return, and Duncan shook his head. 

"I swear girls must be aliens or something," he said, standing up and rambling to himself as he walked away about how we must have telepathic powers because we have whole conversations without even talking. 

Y/n and I just giggled and followed him, forgetting about the strange situation for the moment. 

(A/N) I think im gonna end the chapter here, since i havent posted in so long. 

sorry that i have such a bad update schedule. I usually just write when i have extra time, and everything has been hectic since my summer break is over and i have to get used to going back to school again. ill try to update more when i can, but it might be a while. 

also, sorry that these last few chapters have been so short and boring. i want to end the story soon, and i sort of know how i want it to end, but not really, and i dont know how to get to that ending point, so im just making things up as i go. 

thank you guys for being patient and bearing with me through this lol. 

well, thats it for now. I love you guys! bye! <3

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