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Taehyung: ' So Miss, you're saying that your 25 year old best friend went missing?'

The handsome officer rested his hands on the table and asked with a serious expression- you nodded.

Taehyung: ' when was the last time you saw him?'

He asked as you gulped and remembered the night someone was stalking you, and that very night Stefan came to comfort you.

YN: ' Two days ago, I was walking down the street all alone it was around 2am at night. I felt as if someone was stalking me so I ran and when I reached home, Stefan called me and I ended up crying. He arrived at my house after a few minutes and we spend the night together. But the next day I couldn't reach him, he was nowhere. '

You looked down tears welling up in your eyes, you badly needed Stefan to motivate you- to tell you, you'll do just fine.

You never really realized that Stefan was indeed an important part of your life, your other half.

YN: ' I later on went to his apartment, we both have spare keys for each other's apartments. I found his cellphone, wallet and almost everything there just- he was missing.'

You finished explaining as Taehyung leaned against the chair and nodded, he bite his lower lip and for some sick reason your attention diverted towards his lower lip.

He was dangerously handsome and was probably a year elder than you, with a lip piercing he looked smoking hot even in boring police uniform.

You shook off those thoughts and scolded yourself for having such weird thoughts about the young officer.

Taehyung: ' Miss Choi, I'll personally investigate this case don't worry. We'll find Stefan Salvatore soon. '

He assured as you give him a small smile before rising up from your seat to leave but before you could- his voice stopped you.

Taehyung: 'I want to know more about the stalking. '


Noah: ' Finally Jungkook, you're here. I missed you!'

He smiled widely at Jungkook who rolled his eyes and only nodded.

Leaning against the lockers like always, Jungkook eyed all of the students. His eyes unconsciously stopping at the girls bathroom.

Is Yn there?

Noah: ' Oh by the way, I heard professor Choi didn't come today-'

Jungkook: ' Why?!'

He was so closed to breaking his very own neck by the way he titled his head so fast, Noah flinched and cleared his throat before continuing.

Noah: ' She's not feeling well, that's what I've heard. '

He shrugged and just then his girlfriend walked pass by them, like a lost puppy Noah is he started following her leaving Jungkook behind.

Jungkook just narrowed his eyes at the sudden information.

Jasmine: ' Are you mad that Professor Choi isn't here?'

She whispered in his ear and innocently looked up at him, he closed his eyes in annoyance before opening them.

Turning his whole body he lift one of his brow and give her a daring look.

Jungkook: ' Yeah, just like how you were mad when I hit professor paul.'

Her playful expression was immediately replaced by anger as she grabbed Jungkook's collar pulling him dangerously close, she looked in his eyes with so much hatred.

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